SPINE Volume 25, Number 22, pp 2940 –2953 ©2000, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. The Oswestry Disability Index Jeremy C. T. Fairbank, MD, FRCS,* and Paul B. Pynsent, PhD† tried. The questionnaire had been published in 198038 and widely disseminated from the 1981 meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS) in Paris. The objects of this article are: To present the various versions of the ODI instrument for comparison ● To review the various efforts that have
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NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA THESIS THE CHINA-INDIA-PAKISTAN WATER CRISIS: PROSPECTS FOR INTERSTATE CONFLICT by James F. Brennan September 2008 Thesis Co-Advisors: Alice Lyman Miller Feroz Khan Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time
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IDX STATISTICS 2012 The IDX Statistics Book includes comparative statistics on all aspects of trading and listing for January - December 2012 For more information please contact the Corporate Secretary at: Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia (Indonesia Stock Exchange Building) Tower 1 Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53 Jakarta 12190 Indonesia Phone: (62-21) 515-0515 ext. 4302, 4320, 4322 Fax (62-21) 515-0330, 515-0118 Compiled by Research Division © 2012 Indonesia Stock Exchange. All
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1. Companies Listed on KSE SYMBOL COMPANY 1 AABS AL-Abbas Sugur 2 AACIL Al-Abbas CementXR 3 AASM AL-Abid Silk 4 AASML Al-Asif Sugar 5 AATM Ali Asghar 6 ABL Allied Bank Limited 7 ABLTFC Allied Bank (TFC) 8 ABOT Abbott (Lab) 9 ABSON Abson Ind. 10 ACBL Askari Bank 11 ACBL-MAR ACBL-MAR 12 ACCM Accord Tex. 13 ACPL Attock Cement 14 ADAMS Adam SugarXD 15 ADMM Artistic Denim 16 ADOS Ados Pakistan 17 ADPP Adil Polyprop. 18 ADTM Adil
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UGB247- Responsible Business Report on Corporate Responsibility ‘Fashion Retailing in Europe’ Laura Wallace: 1083579942 Module Leader/ Tutor: Mark Winter 15th May 2015 Word Count: 3,296 1 Contents 1.0 What is Corporate Responsibility? Page 3 2.0 Key Issues of Corporate Responsibility Page 3 2.1 Issues Relating to Outsourcing Page 4 and 5 2.2 Child Labour Page 5 and 6 2.3 The Use of Animal Fur and Environmental Issues Page 6 and 7 3.0 Best Practice Within
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Leadership Behaviors in Project Design Offices Esin Kasapoğlu1 Abstract: Leadership may be defined as the ability to collect a group of people around definite objectives and the achievement of said objectives. An architectural design team needs a leader, and in this paper, the owner of the office is the formal leader. Leadership behaviors of employer architects are directly related to the performance of the design team; therefore, effective leadership is key to a successful design process. Data
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A Review of the effect of fuel injection strategies on the performance and Emissions in HCCI engine Name: Institution: Keywords: HCCI engine, Fuel injection strategies, performance, emissions Introduction. Internal combustion (IC) engines have a wide range of application; therefore, reduction of emissions levels is an important design consideration [1]. Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) is as an attractive alternative that offers various advantages in internal combustion engines
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DESK RESEARCH TO EXAMINE THE INFLUENCE OF MARKETING AND ADVERTISING BY THE ALCOHOL INDUSTRY ON YOUNG PEOPLE’S ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION Research prepared for the World Health Organization by the Centre for Social Marketing at the University of Strathclyde Emma Cooke, Gerard Hastings and Susan Anderson March 2002 Acknowledgements For acquisition and translation of international data: Jill Bain, Marina Biniari, Liliana Carcamo and Ingrid Kajzer. For
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Chapter 2 An Overview of Formal Methods Tools and Techniques The goal of this chapter is to give an overview of the different approaches and tools pertaining to formal methods. We do not attempt to be exhaustive, but focus instead on the main approaches. After reading the chapter the reader will be familiar with the terminology of the area, as well as with the most important concepts and techniques. Moreover the chapter will allow the reader to contextualise and put into perspective the topics
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GOMEZ MONTENEGRO LAYOUT 5/18/10 11:46 AM Page 92 CONSUMER COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING Wireless Home Automation Networks: A Survey of Architectures and Technologies Carles Gomez and Josep Paradells, Technical University of Catalonia ABSTRACT Wireless home automation networks comprise wireless embedded sensors and actuators that enable monitoring and control applications for home user comfort and efficient home management. This article surveys the main current and emerging
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