is successful in its overall goal. Provide examples from the document to illustrate. If possible, share the document by posting a link or a PDF of the sample used. Audience Culture and Analysis (graded) As our text states, “one cardinal rule governs all on-the-job writing: Write for your reader, not for yourself” (page 41). This requires a solid audience analysis. As part of this analysis, you must also consider the audience's cultural background, particularly in light of today's global
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constituting people as two significantly different categories, men and women, and organizing social relations of inequality on the basis of that difference Cultural Beliefs about Gender: . In general, contemporary stereotypes describe women as more communal and men as more agented and instrumental. In addition to this horizontal dimension of difference, gender beliefs have a hierarchical dimension of status inequality. Men are viewed as more status worthy and competent overall and more competent
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tendency to prefer certain states of affair over others" (Hofstede 2001) they emerge in behavior and are shared ASSUMPTION: are belief taken for granted, hard to define and to trace. They guide behavior by how members should perceive think feel and act. Section 2 An organization's culture is,
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Global Manager Required Skills | Mr. Todd Skills | Comments | Evaluation | 1 | Views:MarketsProductionServicesOpportunities | Not applicable in this case | In this case it is irrelevant | Not Applicable | 2 | Aware and understand major cultural differences acquired by observation and learning through involvement with people from other countries and cultures | The transfer of Mr. Todd was abrupt and he did not have chance to learn about the Indian Cultures.However, in India he started with blunders
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Auditing Research Paper The profession of auditing plays a very important role in our economy especially after Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act its role in the economy was greatly solidified. Auditing is the accumulation and evaluation of evidence about information to determine and report on the degree of correspondence between the information and established criteria. Auditing should be done by a competent, independent person. “The auditing profession offers a wide range of employment
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basic rules of the society embodied in law and local customs” ( laureate Milton friedman) According to OECD( organization for economic cooperation and development) Corporate Governance is a set of relationship between the company ‘s directors, its shareholders and other stakeholders. It also provides the structure through which the objectives of the company are set and the means of obtaining those objectives and monitoring performance are determined. NOTE THAT: there is a difference between corporate
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should make all efforts necessary to ensure that a patient can give meaningful and properly informed consent before treatment is initiated. This is especially important when a patient has a more severe depression or is subject to the Mental Health Act 1983’ (NICE Guidelines Amended April 2007). Following the NICE guidelines the author asked Bill for consent to observe and write a case study based on his overall care. The author also asked for Bills’ permission to assess and participate in some of
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may be described as either a basic or an applied discipline. From your point of view, is Organizational Studies a basic discipline or an applied discipline, or both? What should it be? When answering this question, be sure to define distinctions between these two types of disciplines. Provide evidence from the
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the now ex-communist Koestler wanted to explain where and why the revolution went wrong. Furthermore, he searched for an explanation as to why so many of these old-line Bolsheviks, who had been essential to the party during the revolution, were publicly confessing to crimes against the party that would lead to their execution. In 1940 Koestler wrote the novel Darkness at Noon, which addresses these issues through the inner ethical conflictions of the main character Rubashov. A decorated member
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being produced. The logic behind anti-dumping duties is to save domestic jobs, although critics argue that this leads to higher prices for domestic consumers and reduces the competitiveness of domestic companies producing similar goods. Investopedia explains 'Anti-Dumping Duty' Some people believe that a foreign company will even lower the price of the product it is “dumping” below its own cost to manufacture the good in order to drive domestic competitors out of business and later raise prices. Even
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