“GOD IS NOT YET DEAD” The pervasive presence and usages of religion in all the spheres of contemporary social life. INTRODUCTION : Arguments for and against the existence of God have been proposed by philosophers, theologians, scientists, and others for thousands of years. In philosophical terms, such arguments involve primarily the disciplines of epistemology (the nature and scope of knowledge) and ontology (study of the nature of being, existence, or reality) and also the theory of value,
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JORIND 10 (2), June, 2012. ISSN 1596 - 8308. www.transcampus.org./journals, www.ajol.info/journals/jorind NOLLYWOOD MOVIES ANDNIGERIAN YOUTHS-AN EVALUATION J. O.Nnabuko Department of Marketing. University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus,Nigeria and Tina C. Anatsui Department of Mass Communication. Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Nigeria E-mail: chinyere_06@yahoo.com+234-805-2422-918 Abstract This paper is an advocacys on the impacts of Nollywood movies as the two-edge sword for the national
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the state.[footnoteRef:3] Laski says, ?The study of politics concerns itself with the life of men in relation to organized states?.[footnoteRef:4] We hear a great deal about ?the Welfare State,? ?State Control?, ?State Bureaucracy?, etc. The word ?state? should not be confused with a nation or country, though sometimes it is used in these senses, for example, the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union.[footnoteRef:5] It is necessary to clarify what we mean by ?State?. [3: R.G. Gettle,
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Flow of foreign direct investment: The amount of foreign direct investment undertaken over a given time period (normally one year). An example of foreign direct investment would be an American company taking a majority stake in a company in China. Stock of foreign direct investment: The total accumulated value of foreign-owned assets at a given time. For example, French enterprises have been significant foreign investors for McDonald’s; some 1,100 French multinationals account for around 8 percent
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adjust for social harmony * Roles of PR * 1. Management * To succeed, public relations must report to top management, unimpeded by any other group. * 2. Action * True public relations cannot take place without ethical, consistent action. No amount of persuasion will cover up for poor performance. * PR as a management interpreter * Public relations professionals interpret these roles of management to the public * Philosophies
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International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 7, No. 16; 2012 ISSN 1833-3850 E-ISSN 1833-8119 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education Cross-Cultural Etiquette and Communication in Global Business: Toward a Strategic Framework for Managing Corporate Expansion Ephraim Okoro1 1 School of Business, Howard University, Washington, USA Correspondence: Ephraim A. Okoro, Department of Marketing, School of Business, Howard University, 2600–Sixth Street, NW, Washington, D.C
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In particular we consider issues associated with bureaucracy and hierarchy. Body Shop grew and with it came particular design challenges. Learning objectives: Define and discuss the nature of organization design. Outline the main structural choices available to organizations. Explain the limitations of the organizational chart in describing activity within an organization. Case problem: What is organizational structure and why do large organizations need continually to consider the designs of their organization? What may be the consequences of a good or bad design for
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on key ChLT actors, processes, and products: the child-reader, the translator, the translated text, the translation process, the author, the publisher, etc. The present text is a modest attempt to join efforts with the international community of scholars, translators, authors, children readers, publishers and other parties with an interest in ChLT, so as for the field to be given its merit in Translation, Comparative, Literary and Interdisciplinary Studies and for the translator –who had for long
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LECTURE ST. THOMAS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW FALL 2012 DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER SERIES WHAT MUST WE HIDE: THE ETHICS OF PRIVACY AND THE ETHOS OF DISCLOSURE ANITA L. ALLEN' I. INTRODUCTION We live in an era of persotial revelation. We are preoccupied by seeking, gathering, and disclosing information about others and ourselves. In the age of revelation, individuals and enterprises are fond of ferreting out what is btiried away. We are fond of broadcasting what we know, think, do, and feel; and we are
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students should be able to: 1. Define organizational behavior (OB) 2. Describe what managers do 3. Explain the value of the systematic study of OB 4. List the major challenges and opportunities for managers to use OB concepts 5. Identify the contributions made by major behavioral science disciplines to OB 6. Describe why managers require a knowledge of OB 7. Explain the need for a contingency approach to the study of OB 8. Identify the three levels of analysis in this
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