andre turbintyper dersom de skulle brukes på tilsvarende fallhøyder. * Ulemper * Lavere virkningsgrad enn alle fullturbinvariantene. * Kan slites fort ved høyt sandinnhold i vannet. * Kan kun utnytte 92-93% fordi vannet har lav fart når det kommer ut i fra skovlene. Fullturbiner * Fullturbiner er turbiner som er helt fylt med vann. Dette fører til at turbinene klarer å utnytte hele fallhøyden fra det høyeste til det laveste reservoaret. Fullturbiner har også en høyere virkningsgrad
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I have long felt that reality television is contributing to the moral downfall of modern society. This is validated, yet again, by Salman Rushdie in his 2001 article, “Reality TV: A Dearth of Talent and the Death of Morality.” Much like Rushdie, I avoid being pulled in to the idea that watching someone else demean and humiliate themselves for the sake of fame and fortune is an acceptable, moral attitude. However, the media has placed it in nearly every variety of television programming possible.
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telling jokes or laughing at one. He is also big on fitness. He plays football and basketball. Malik stays in shape from sports and fitness class 7th period. Ms. Lee makes sure he doesn’t slack off. When I asked Malik to describe his self, he said, “I fart a lot, I’m
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Sheila Petit-Phar English 101 6th June 2013 Pollution is bad for the environment. There are many reasons why pollution is bad for the environment. Before we mention the different reasons, we will take a look at the different types of pollutions. We have to be aware that pollution has many different forms meaning that pollution can negatively affect the environment from many different aspects. Therefore, the best way to prove that pollution is bad
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com/2013/01/test-lactose-intolerance.html Lactose intolerance is when u drink or eat any diary products you end up having a queasy stomach depending how bad lactose intolerance is in your body. Sometimes people don't have it that bad and they just let out a fart. Based on the symptoms : • Abdominal bloating • Diarrhoea • Flatulence (excessive wind / gas) • Abdominal cramps • Abdominal pain • Nausea • Failure to thrive
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USA = Klarat sig oskatt i hemmaplan i förstavärldskriget. ”The American Dream”/ det glada 20-talet = USA har inte lidit lika skador som andra länder och deras industri gick snabbt i fart i samspel med Storbritannien. Man försökte övertyga utsatt folk om att USA var möjligheternas land genom att säga att alla har rätten till företag, att äga sin jordlott och ha religionsfrihet. Det kommer väldigt många nya uppfinningar vilket leder till att industrin går på högvarv. Folk köper bilar (T-Ford)
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Jealousy and Greediness in The Crucible Have you ever been involved in an action that led to a tragic consequence because of someone’s jealousy or greediness? The quote by Victor Hugo stated, “Society is a republic. When an individual tries to lift themselves above others, they are dragged down by masses, either by ridicule or slander.” This means he strongly believes that when someone tries to act better than other people they feel like the need to put others down by making fun of them. Therefore
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always dreaded the stingy smell of a cigarette as well as every other characteristic that goes along with it. Always. Once I regained my composure, I held my breath, fastened my pace and sped passed the smoke just as a child would do when someone farts near them. Anyhow, as I am turning
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turn our leftovers into enough to power the very things we use today. Cars, cell phones, electricity as a whole... Let’s get to the good stuff. Today research is happening to turn our poo into fuel/power! There’s currently a machine that belches and farts, breaking down our waste, to provide energy to power over 6 acres of greenhouse power, currently in effect at a farm owned by Bayview flowers. Annually, they cut their energy bill from 300,000 to 200,000. That’s a lot of money, and mainly, these machines
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stereotypic and often negative perception of older adults. This negative and/or stereotypic perception of aging and aged individuals is apparent in such areas as language, media, and humor. For example, such commonly used phrases as over the hill and an old fart denote old age as a period of impotency and incompetence. The term used to describe this stereotypic and often negative bias against older adults is ageism. Ageism can be defined as "any attitude, action, or institutional structure, which subordinates
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