Resent trends of banking system in India 1. Introduction The economy can be divided in the entire spectrum of economic activity into the real and monetary sectors. The real sector is where production takes place while the monetary sector supports this production and in a way is the means to the end. We know and we accept the financial system is critical to the working of the rest of the economy. In fact, the Asian crisis of the nineties, or for that matter what happened in Latin America and Russia
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P age |1 Summer Internship Project “Scope of investment in Real Estate in India & Real State investment: A case study of Jaipur region” Submitted in partial fulfillment of PGDM program 2011-13 Submitted by: Harshit Jain 19/093 Corporate Mentor Mr Shantanu Mehra ( Channel Retail Sales Head) Faculty Mentor Mrs. Monica Arora (Assistant Professor) Apeejay School of Management New Delhi July 2012 SIP Project Report BY: Harshit Jain( | 1 P age |2 CERTIFICATE
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1.Комуникациски систем 11. Општиот модел на комуникациски систем се состои од ���� * Извор ���� * Предавател ���� * Систем за пренос ���� * Одредиште ���� * Медиум за пренос 12. Кои се основни задачи на еден комуникациски систем ���� * Синхронизација � ���* Адресирање 13. Кои од следните искази се точни за компјутерските мрежи ���� * Компјутерска мрежа е колекција од меѓусебно поврзани компјутери ������ Основен модел на компјутерска мрежа е клиент-клиент моделот ������ Денес компјутерските мрежи
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226 IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING, VOL. 9, NO. 3, JUNE 2001 Network Support for IP Traceback Stefan Savage, David Wetherall, Member, IEEE, Anna Karlin, and Tom Anderson Abstract--This paper describes a technique for tracing anonymous packet flooding attacks in the Internet back toward their source. This work is motivated by the increased frequency and sophistication of denial-of-service attacks and by the difficulty in tracing packets with incorrect, or "spoofed," source addresses. In
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1. ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS IN A COMPUTER ENVIRONMENT ACC 109 Information and its complexity For any business to survive, it needs an objective that it strives to achieve. The manager of a business must plan, organize, direct and control the activities of an organization so that the set objective is met. In order to perform these functions they need to be making decisions continuously. To make decisions managers need information to help them to make informed choices. Basically a computer is a device that
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Hacking Vol. 2 Number 1 Internet for Dummies -- skip this if you are a Unix wizard. But if you read on you’ll get some more kewl hacking instructions. ____________________________________________________________ The six Guides to (mostly) Harmless Hacking of Vol. 1 jumped immediately into how-to hacking tricks. But if you are like me, all those details of probing ports and playing with hypotheses and pinging down hosts gets a little dizzying. So how about catching our breath, standing back
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Cisco Network Solutions for the Telco DCN: SONET/SDH OSI Environments This document is directed to competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs), incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs), and Post, Telephone and Telegraphs (PTTs), collectively referred to as telcos (short for telephone companies). This document describes Cisco network solutions for transporting data between Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) and the Operations Support System (OSS) in a telco
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v. adamia, n. arabuli, z. ciramua kompiuteruli qselebi (I nawili) `teqnikuri universiteti”@ saqarTvelos teqnikuri universiteti v. adamia, n. arabuli, z. ciramua kompiuteruli qselebi (I nawili) damtkicebulia stu-s saredaqcio-sagamomcemlo sabWos mier. 29.04.2009, oqmi #4 Tbilisi 2009 წიგნი წარმოადგენს სახელმძღვანელოს ”კომპიუტერულ ქსელებში”, რომლის მიზანია სტუდენტებს მისცეს ცოდნა და უნარ-ჩვევები კომპიუტერულ სისტემებსა და ქსელებში პროფესიული საქმიანობისათვის, ასევე მისცეს
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Contingency Plan Template Appendix I-3 CONTINGENCY PLAN Version Submitted to: Submitted By: Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 1 2 Introduction 1 2.1 Purpose 3 2.2 Scope 3 2.3 Plan Information 3 3 Contingency Plan Overview 4 3.1 Applicable Provisions and Directives 4 3.2 Objectives 4 3.3 Organization 5 3.4 Contingency Phases 8 3.4.1 Response Phase 8 3.4.2 Resumption Phase 8
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1 Cisco Notları OSI Referans Modeli Bilgisayar ağları kullanılmaya başlandığı ilk zamanlarda sadece aynı üreticinin ürettiği cihazlar birbirleriyle iletişim kurabiliyordu. Bu da şirketleri tüm cihazlarını sadece bir üreticiden almalarını zorunlu kılıyordu. 1970’lerin sonlarına doğru ISO (International Organization for Standardization) tarafında, OSI (Open System Interconnection) modeli tanımlanarak bu kısıtlamanın önüne geçildi. Böylece farklı üreticilerden alınan cihazlar aynı ağ ortamında birbirleriyle
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