Finance Case

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    Accounting Malpractice

    professional conduct demands all financial statements in accord with GAAP (cheese man. 2015). Accountants’ performances reflect the company’s financial situations and the role of an accountant is to provide information to the company regarding the finances of the company. Accountants are held accountable for every financial statement within the company If something goes wrong with the financial statements, the possibilities of a major disaster can occur because of the unethical practice of accounting

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    Industrial Finance Corporation of India At the time of independence in 1947, India's capital market was relatively underdeveloped. Although there was significant demand for new capital, there was a dearth of providers. Merchant bankers and underwriting firms were almost non-existent. And commercial banks were not equipped to provide long-term industrial finance in any significant manner. It is against this backdrop that the government established The Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI)

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    A Delima

    1.0 Summary This case is about an enterprise founded by family members and later was incorporated as Sdn Bhd. The shareholders are mainly the directors of husband and wife who involved in the management of the company. It was July, 2006 when Encik Zayed engaged the external Auditor Aziz & Co (Chartered Accountant) introduced by his friend to perform the statutory audit for the period of 2003 to 2006. That was the first audit experience for Encik Zayed and Puan Hashimah and it was a difficult

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    Islamic Finance: a Therapy for Healing the Global Financial Crisis

    Islamic Finance: A Therapy for Healing the Global Financial Crisis Miranti Kartika Dewi 1 *Researcher of Centre for Islamic Economics and Business ** Lecturer of Department of Accounting Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia Ilham Reza Ferdian * Student of Master of Science on Finance Programme Kuliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences International Islamic University Malaysia ** Fellow of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia ABSTRACT Global financial crisis which hit many too-big-too-fail

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    Nike Cost of Capital

    Nike, Inc.: COST OF CAPITAL CASE ANALYSIS Importance of Cost of Capital The concept of cost of capital is used in finance decisions. Acceptance or rejection of an investment project depends on the cost that the company has to pay for financing it. Good financial management calls for selection of such projects, which are expected to earn returns, which are higher than the cost of capital. It is therefore, important for the finance manager to calculate the cost of capital, which

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    Islamic Finance: a Summary

    Islamic finance A brief summary ------------------------------------------------- Islamic Finance One of the most innovative trends in our Islamic world is our Islamic banking system. This industry is growing in manner that lead most of the large conventional banks like J.P.Morgan and MorganStanly to open divisions concerned with Islamic finance products. According to Middle East newspaper, Middle-East Newspaper (30/05/2008) there are around 300 Islamic banks around the world ,130

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    Gcu Finance

    Professor of Finance and Economics, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Consulting Editor Financial Management Adair Excel Applications for Corporate Finance First Edition Block and Hirt Foundations of Financial Management Thirteenth Edition Brealey, Myers, and Allen Principles of Corporate Finance Ninth Edition Brealey, Myers, and Allen Principles of Corporate Finance, Concise Edition First Edition Brealey, Myers, and Marcus Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Sixth Edition

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    necessary for efficient operation (Joseph Massie, 2015). Vinod Verma (2015) explained that Finance Management is not only for business but also for every expenses. Like it’s for the home base expenses or the government expenses. The government also need to manage the finance for the develop of the counter and the household also need to manage their expenses properly. Citing an example in our former year being a finance student way back 2nd year semester, there are new block mates that shifts to BSBA – FM

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    Islamic Banking Literature Review

    The remaining sections comprise of the factors affecting the demand of Islamic financial products namely, awareness, religious factors and trust among parties. The last sections include the Mauritian government’s assistance in introducing Islamic Finance in the country and measures taken to set high standards and women empowerment. 2.1.1 Products

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    Ppp and Project Financing in Logistics Infrastructure

    Project Finance and Private Public Partnership in financing logistics infrastructure. Introduction Finance scholars acknowledge a clear-cut distinction between corporate finance and project finance. The two techniques are considered as basically different approaches to the problem of raising debt to fund capital investments. In corporate finance lenders assess the creditworthy of a whole company, evaluating the going concern, the full range of projects in place, and the cautional value of all the

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