Admin of all Community Staff, reviews community promotions & demotions. Senior Admin Supervisor of administrators. In charge of handling higher community issues. Admin Deals with in-game issues and keeps moderators in check. Helps assign forum tags, TeamSpeak tags and assists Moderators. Mod Deals with lower community issues and helps out with Support Team duties. Mainly in charge of doing applications, assigning civilian tags and assisting Support team. Head Support Head Support of all Support
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this power is extremely dangerous, people with power could withhold information and keep others uneducated, those in power can make or breaks laws whenever they want, and people with power will discriminate against those without power. In Animal Farm Napoleon had power and he withheld a great deal of information from the other animals. He never really taught them all how to read, so he could change the commandments easier if nobody could read. The animals didn’t know he was changing the commandments
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being an adolescent. Cady Heron is a sixteen-year-old; she is moving to Illinois with her parents after they have been living in Africa for the last twelve years. This is a result of her mom being offered a job as a teacher in a university. On her first day of school she does not make any friends; therefore, she eats lunch in a bathroom stall. On the second day, she meets and befriends Janis Ian and Damian Leigh. During lunch, she meets the plastics which consist of Regina George, Gretchen Wieners
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Kindergarten Teacher, a licensed educator instructing in early education, is a career I wish to pursue for the hands-on learning, the multiple benefits, and the long-term knowledge. I have been interested in this career for many years now. I first became interested in early education when I babysat my niece because I enjoy every part of it, maybe not the diapers as much, but playing and teaching her the ABC's was a wonderful experience. The challenges that one might have with early education, is
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With reference to all the chapters in this module trace the beginnings of the doctrine of the separation of powers The idea of the separation of powers suggest that the governance of the country should not fall to one person, for example the King, and that this therefore, in turn, prevents there being any abuse of power. On the 15th June 1215 King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta. This meant that a person would only be answerable to the “lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of
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well-managed classroom in order to teach students effectively. Discipline is defined as the act or manner of managing; handling, direction, or control. (A.U, 2012). On the first day of class the teacher needs to establish the rules, and have order in their classroom. Then the instructor should maintain the order in the classroom during all times. Classroom management has to do with procedures, routines, and structure (Marshall, 2010). The teacher should create a plan for managing the classroom. Managing
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The reasons for its wide use is that firstly, the NPV rule takes into account the time value of money, meaning that it recognises that a pound today is worth more than a pound tomorrow as the pound today can be invested to start earning interest immediately. Secondly, NPV depends solely on the forecasted cash flows from the project and the opportunity cost of capital. And the final reason for its preference is because the present values are all measured in today’s pounds they have the property of
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western culture, because after 1840, Hong Kong was under the British rules, it was kind of like England, like students in school, from primary school to university use English very often, even as often as their first language, Cantonese. And many kinds of Western food came in Hong Kong; some important traditional Western festival became people’s important festival too, like Christmas, Thanksgiving Day, Halloween, and so on. All of above, the modern Hong Kong is the result of the combination of Eastern
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back against the system that has allowed the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. “All of us have many different backgrounds and political beliefs but feel that, since we can no longer trust our elected officials to represent anyone other than their wealthiest donors, we need real people to create real change from the bottom up… We no longer want the wealthiest to hold all the power, to write the rules governing an unbalanced and inequitable global economy, and thus foreclosing on our future
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students at the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, where she was an English professor. Rita spoke confidently to the students, portraying her hope and wishes to the students, for them to be successful in life and in all that they do. Doves utilization of personal anecdotes, rule of three, and syntax, conveys her message of wishing the students to work hard in life and achieve great things. Dove begins by utilizing syntax to deliver her speech. She starts with long sentences in order to set her
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