Functionalist Views On Society

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    Assess the Contribution of Feminist Sociologists to an Understanding of the Function of the Family

    Feminists’ argued that gender roles were created by men for their benefit, and they described this type of society as “patriarchal”.They argued the nuclear family performed two key functions which oppressed women a) the family socialised girls to accept subservient roles within the family, whilst socialising boys to believe they were superior – this happens through children witnessing then recreating the parental relationship; and b) it socialised women into accepting the “housewife” role as the

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    Youth Sports

    the leagues, camps, or clinics. Parents often forget that they can and should be more involved with their children. In the article “The Good Father: Parental Expectation and Youth Sports” the author discusses the father’s role in youth sports. In society, fathers are looked upon as the head of the house, the one who makes all the money. Fathers become involved in sport because it is a way to be a part of their children’s lives, since it interests them as well. Fathers are looked at as the ones that

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    Cults and Sects

    and social control * The distinction between sociological theories of crime and other theories (eg biological, psychological); crime and deviance as socially constructed * Functionalist theories of crime: Durkheim, anomie, collective conscience; Merton’s strain theory; manifest and latent functions; functionalist subcultural theories * Marxist and neo-Marxist theories of crime: classical Marxism, laws reflecting class interests; Neo-Marxism, hegemony, the CCCS studies, critical and new

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    Traditional Conservatism and New Right

    what extent do traditional conservatives and the New Right differ in their views on society? Traditional conservatives adopt an organic view of society. This implies that society works like a living thing, an organism, which is sustained by a fragile set of relationships between and amongst its parts. The whole is therefore more than just its individual parts. This implies that the individual cannot be separated from society, but is part of the social groups that nurture him or her, reflecting the

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    Structuralists: Focus on purpose of education for wider society. Consensus Perspective: Functionalist- Emphasise positive effects Conflict Perspective: Marxist & Feminist- Critical Functionalist- Consensus Perspective Durkheim * Education important in preventing anomie * Being taught history important; teaches shared heritage, integration and solidarity. * Family based on affective (affectionate) relationships. Society is based on instrumental (mutual self- interest). School

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    Different Sociological Views on Changes in the Experience of Childhood in the Past 50 Years or so? Many sociologists see childhood as socially constructed; as something created and defined by society. Many argue that what people mean by childhood, and the position that children occupy in society, is not fixed but differs between different times, places and cultures. It can be seen that by comparing the western idea of childhood today with childhood in the past and other societies. It can be determined

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    Using Material from Item a and Elsewhere, Assess the View That the Main Function of the Education System Is to Reproduce and Legitimise Social Inequalities

    system. For example, children from middle class families on average perform better than working class children. Functionalists see education as based on value consensus where as Marxists see it as based on class division and capitalist exploitation. Althusser saw schools as part of the ideological state apparatus, where people are persuaded to accept their exploited position in society. This maintains the rule of the bourgeoisie by controlling people’s ideas, values and beliefs. Althusser also argues

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    Assess the sociological explanations for ethnic inequality in contemporary society? (40 mark) Point: Marxism * Minority groups form part of a uniformed working class not against it. They work for the bourgeoisie. * Castles and Kosack argued that ethnic minority groups could also be part of * ‘reserve army of labour’– supporting capitalist system and forced to take lower paid jobs than their white counter parts. * Economic system created by racism (Cox) by creating a divide

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    (AO1) What do Marxists believe? (AO1) How do Marxist theories apply to the education system? (AO2) What strengths are there to the Marxist view of education system? (AO2) How have Marxist views been criticised by other writers? Summary of key points Marxists see capitalist society as being ruled by the economy. The minority, the ruling class or 'bourgeoisie' rule the majority, namely the workers or 'proletariat'. The bourgeoisie have the wealth and

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    beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society. * Religion is a conservative force- as religion is traditional and upholds traditional customs and beliefs which show society should be organised * Religion provides social harmony, sense of control, eases tension and gives confidence to perform stressful tasks and promotes group solidarity * Durkheim found impact of religion in society through Arunta clan in Australia they all worshipped a totem as the totem

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