empirical study of a cohort of 384 HTM students was conducted to determine their motives for their choice of HTM. The results indicate that there were five motivational factors among HTM students: self-actualisation, job opportunity, field attractiveness, ease of study, and scholastic achievement. Detailed information on the motivational factors along with preferred overseas study destinations and HTM study areas are discussed. Keywords: Hospitality and tourism management (HTM); Study motivations; Study
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ADOLESCENT AND EPRODUCTIVE YOUTH REPRODUCTIVE EALTH HEALTH IN PHILIPPINES Status, Issues, Policies, and Programs POLICY is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development under Contract No. HRN-C-00-00-00006-00, beginning July 7, 2000. The project is implemented by Futures Group International in collaboration with Research Triangle Institute and the Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA). Photos selected from M/MC Photoshare at www.jhuccp.org/mmc. Photographers
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of the product. The scenario changed with the passage of time and the marketers started something different. They associated the products with emotions, life style, style etc. With the passage of time the market got bigger and it was difficult to have one product for all the market so the marketers divided the markets into different groups having different needs and wants. This method is known as segmentation. So the market segment I am going to discuss that's affected by advertising is the youth
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their thought process and their feelings experienced. Human beings are greatly influenced in their buying actions by various factors like opinion of others, marketing stimuli like product, advertising, packaging and product appearance. Importance of Consumer behaviour: • Ever increasing intensifying competition. • More aggressive competitors emerging with greater frequency. • Changes basis of competition. • Geographic sources of competition are becoming wider. • Niche attacks are becoming frequent
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This article was downloaded by: [University of Wollongong] On: 11 October 2011, At: 22:41 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Marketing Management Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rjmm20 Evaluating market-segmentation research priorities: Targeting reemancipation Lee
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The New Ecological Anthropology Older ecologies have been remiss in the narrowness of their spatial and temporal horizons, their functionalist assumptions, and their apolitical character. Suspending functionalist assumptions and an emphasis upon (homeo)stasis, "the new ecological anthropology" is located at the intersection of global, national, regional, and local systems, studying the outcome of the interaction of multiple levels and multiple factors. It blends theoretical and empirical research with
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face obstacles head on and come out on top. Said former CEO Jorma Ollila, “Finns live in a cold climate. We have to be adaptable to survive."4 But what now? Should Nokia stay the course, operating in both the developed and developing markets, or should they forego one for the other? And what would this imply for the types of handsets and services they would need to offer? The History of Nokia In 1865, Fredrik Idestam, a German mining engineer, began producing paper after he purchased two
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clutter. And how have we decided to position KKrunch? KKrunch offers the attitude to go ahead and consume KKrunch with an attitude that the product is positioned with and simply tells you that the product is there to help you on experiencing something that you dream of doing every day. The campaign slogan “Break the Rule” has been the modeled on inspirational themes which brings the pressure and temptation for to consume the product. In addition to this, the campaign will have the humor and the
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INTRODUCTION In many developing countries, risk management techniques are underdeveloped or insufficient for institutions to efficiently lend to activities in the agricultural sector. Information on borrowers’ credit histories is rarely available, resulting in information asymmetries that make accurate credit risk assessment difficult. In addition, while agricultural client’s major assets are production and land, it is often difficult for banks to use these as collateral, and particularly difficult
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contribute to number of accidents on the roads, Cramer’s V was used to analyze and test the formulated hypotheses at 0.05 significant levels. The result of the findings revealed that age, driving experience, treatment seeking behavior and speed limit have significant relationship with drivers’ risk exposures. The study also reveals that younger drivers are more exposed to accident than older drivers and the treatment seeking behavior used by the Road Transport workers exposed them as well as their families
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