Having Our Say

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    Hospital Corporation of America and the Age of Affordable Healthcare

    Hospital Corporation of America and the Age of Affordable Healthcare The Affordable Healthcare Act has led to many more Americans having access to insurance and healthcare options. It has assisted with the high cost of healthcare by simply putting a cap on out of pocket expenses. It has allowed those small businesses to implement healthcare insurance for their employees and offers incentives through tax credit. Many hospitals are seeing growth from this legislation being passed. Hospital Corporation

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    Self-Discipline in Online Learning

    efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power”. In the world of technology it can be easy for one to become lazy. Our devices are setup to remind us about our tasks. They guide us to where we need to go and they hold so much of our information in them that many are reliant on them. With the bad comes good though as technology has afforded us many opportunities for growth both personally and professionally. This is evident

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    My Crazy Kook Father

    the ones who make you who you are. Beauty is not about looks, make-up or clothes. Beauty comes from within. Showing your true colors leads people to be more appreciative towards you. We learn from our peers. My siblings are a huge part of my life; we truly love each other. My parents taught us that our family would always be there for us no matter what. My dad is the man of the house. My family jokes that he’s the thermostat that sets the temperature in the house. My dad is a great guy; I’ve learned

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    Taped Confession

    had a great relationship, so I would tell him that he might wake up dead and his walk-man stolen because he made fun of me not having one! I also was his teaching assistant, so we would often joke with each other about death threats. So this threat was nothing to be alarmed with. Finally, after three weeks of dealing with the professor, I was looking forward to not having to bunk with him in St. Petersburg. When the ship docked in Moscow, the captain informed us that we needed to return by 8:00

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    Its futuristic banking model is attracting the spotlight and giving it the means to grow both in and out of its branch footprint. BY GLEN FEST Francisco González is BBVA’s global chairman and CEO. “When you look across the houston skyline,” says Francisco González, chairman and CEO of BBVA Group, “there’s not one building that defines it.” True enough. In the biggest city in Texas, there is no Space Needle, no Empire State Building, no Gateway Arch, no Sears (or make that Willis) Tower. Houston

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    The Good Life

    Defining the “Good Life” Growing up my dad always told me that I will never be able to look back at everything I accomplished and say “I made it,” he said I might be able to when I retire but not anytime soon. I came of age with this mentality in the back of my mind, I worked, never becoming complacent with where I was. I was only focussed on where I wanted to be and that wasn’t there in that moment. In that moment I was focussed on one thing, the “good life.” In that moment, as I powered down

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    Moral Issues

    their life? Should we go against our own belief in our career and keep someone alive at all costs, no matter what their physical or mental condition is? I remember being a kid and running around telling secrets and when it got back to me it was blown way out of proportion. Those were the good days. We have grown up and things have changed but what hasn’t changed is we still have secrets in our life. There are so many reasons

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    The Importance Of Nuclear Power In America

    subsidizing the fossil fuel industry, dramatically reduce wasted energy, and significantly shift our power supplies from oil, coal, and natural gas… energy sources.” McKibben is just one of millions of Americans who continue to search for a viable source of energy that can power the world in a efficient, and safe manner. This is why America needs to convert to nuclear power as our source for energy. Although some say nuclear plants are major targets for terror attacks, nuclear power is the clearest choice

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    The Aspects of Existentialism

    existentialism plays a role in our daily routine whether we realize it or not. If you ever think in a way which life often seems pointless. For example, if you ever question what is our purpose in the world? or what are we supposed to do on earth? These are all existential questions that are asked every day. From my understanding of existentialism is making your own choices and later on having to dwell on the presumptions of that choice that you made. In such as Orwell having to dwell on the choice

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    Importance of Demonstratvie Communication

    The Importance of Demonstrative Communication By Tina Green They say that most communication is nonverbal and that one can gauge someone’s else true intentions with the use of good demonstrative communication skills. Demonstrative communication encompasses the system of unwritten and nonverbal cues that are involved in body language. They offer the basis for understanding the world around us and define the quality of our relationships with others. Miscommunication does occur, however, because

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