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Self-Discipline in Online Learning


Submitted By cnassar
Words 731
Pages 3
Clarissa Nassar
INFT 101
Professor Anderson
February 20, 2015
Self-Discipline in Online Learning

Clint Eastwood once said, “Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power”. In the world of technology it can be easy for one to become lazy. Our devices are setup to remind us about our tasks. They guide us to where we need to go and they hold so much of our information in them that many are reliant on them. With the bad comes good though as technology has afforded us many opportunities for growth both personally and professionally. This is evident in the world of online education. For online students, practicing self-discipline is imperative because it is necessary for a successful education and self-discipline helps you stay goal-oriented. In this paper, I will review for you what the article I read says about self-discipline as well as self-regulation, how that affects the online learner, and keys to success in the online learning world.
Studies have shown that students who self-regulate and use self-discipline reach higher academic achievement. One particular article compares self-regulation and self-discipline. The article states, “An array of measures of SR (self-regulation) and SD (self-discipline) were gathered from high school students and were transformed into separate composite measures.” The study found that they were also able to predict the grades of these students, which tells me that self-discipline is a trait that will help me in my studies as an online student. Various questionnaires were used to test SR and SD. Results showed that there was a correlation between students who used self-discipline and their higher GPA. Gender did not make a difference. It is very clear that having a strong sense of self-discipline can aide you in online college success.

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