Heritage Assessment Tool

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    Cross Cultural

    Rees (2004) divide marketing activities as follows: 1. Market analysis with at least three elements, which are environment analysis, buyer behavior and market research 2. Marketing strategy. Once a market has been scanned using the above tools, the company has to develop a strategy to give meaning and direction to its marketing activities. The strategies that often used are market segmentation and marketing mix. However, these approaches are no longer suitable in this new era and many

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    In 1996, a former Turkish diplomat, Sukru Elekdag, published an article arguing that Turkey should be ready to fight two and a half wars (against Greece, Syria and the PKK) (Kirisci 2006). This primacy of security and the use of confrontational tools to solve foreign disputes seemed to have contributed to Turkey’s image as a “post- Cold War warrior (Kirisci 2006), a

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    Brand Housing

    Brand housing: Best practice for brand architecture Manfred Abraham and Abigail Taylor Admap February 2011        Title:    Author(s):    Source:    Issue:   Brand housing: Best practice for brand architecture Manfred Abraham and Abigail Taylor Admap February 2011 Brand housing Manfred Abraham and Abigail Taylor Interbrand London House of brands and branded house are the best known options, but there is no onesize-fits-all model for brand architecture. It is important to build

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    History The key factor which drove the early history of the enterprise that would become The Nestlé Company was Henri Nestlé's search for a healthy, economical alternative to breastfeeding for mothers who could not feed their infants at the breast. In the mid-1860s Nestlé, a trained pharmacist, began experimenting with various combinations of cow's milk, wheat flour and sugar in an attempt to develop an alternative source of infant nutrition for mothers who were unable to breast feed. His ultimate

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    THE IMPORTANCE OF FEEDBACK IN THE ORGANISATION’S DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Made Torokoff University of Tartu Pärnu College Introduction In the knowledge-based economy new ideas and models of thinking serve as a basis of organisational vitality. How to reveal people’s talents and make maximum use of them aimed at achieving the organisation’s main goal. Managers want to see efficient processes and proof of personal growth. One of the opportunities is to increase intellectual capital via organisational

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    CHAPTER 13 Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Sustainable Development in Africa: Case Study on Kenya Davis Wekesa Barasa INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES Indigenous Knowledge System (IKS) is currently drawing special attention of many researchers, institutions of higher learning, pharmaceutical organisations, governments, Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) etc. than it did just a decade ago. Recently, the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) has recognised the applications of traditional knowledge

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    Toward Sustainable Educational Travel

    This article was downloaded by: [] On: 21 September 2013, At: 09:20 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Sustainable Tourism Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rsus20 Toward sustainable educational travel Joshua Long , Alison Vogelaar & Brack W. Hale a a

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    Hart Kruez

    stakeholders 2.1.2 Problem analysis - key to the project’s framework 2.1.3 Objectives reflect an ideal future 2.1.4 Strategic choices begin by fixing the project purpose 2.2. Planning with logic • • • • • • • • 2.2.1 Logical framework is a practical tool 2.2.2 Intervention logic states the strategy 2.2.3 Assumptions must hold 2.2.4 Indicators make the plan concrete 2.2.5 Approach describes how 2.2.6 Organisation determines roles and responsibilities 2.2.7 Budget details financial framework 2.2.8 Various

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    Prof. Dr.

    B io-D a Data Dr. Abraham George Associa Professor ate Department o Architectur and Regio Planning D of re onal g Indian Institute o Technology Kharagpur of pur, engal, Pin 72 21302, INDIA A Kharagp West Be Dr. A Abraha Ar. am George is born on the Se venth of D e December, 1963. He has gradu uated with First Rank i n B. Arch f rom the Un iversity of Kerala in D December 1 986, secure M. Arch with Excel ed h llent Grade from India n Institute o Technolo of ogy,

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    Role of leadership in communications industry Leadership in the industry of communications and media has transformed over the years due to the increasing need of brands to communicate their message to stakeholders and to keep them aware of brand’s performance and future. The spread of education, telecommunications and networks made people want to know more about brands and companies. Past great economic growth and development altered people’s needs and expectations from companies, needs moved from

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