------------------------------------------------- S.Y. 2014-2015 A Narrative Report “With English we can become Heroes” Everything starts with a plan. As early as August we started planning this whole thing. We started with the theme; we decided to focus on heroism since that was the year of the laity and so we come up with the theme: With English we can become Heroes. We also decided to retain all the previous activities from last year’s celebration and we added only one activity which is the poetry writing
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OUTLINE INTRODUCTION TO CONSTITUTIONAL LAW There were four main purposes of the Declaration of Independence: • Getting reluctant colonists to realize that loyalty to Britain was a lost cause • Explaining the colonists' position on the purpose of human government • Listing the colonists' grievances against King George III to show the legitimacy of their actions to others • To encourage foreign nations to help them UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SERVES TWO MAJOR FUNCTIONS” It creates the three
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me wants to run away, another part wants me to move on.” It is through POV that we can see what Felix is feeling. G has highlighted the importance of determination and will power. Another narrative convention is Symbolism used the show the theme heroism and the imp of books. An ex of this is the knowledge that Felix absorbs from books “I couldn’t read any of the words in dads big book about 2000 years of Jewish history” Felix took his favourite author as his hero instead of Adolf Hittler after he
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Heneral Luna ("General Luna") is a 2015 Filipino historical biopic film depicting General Antonio Luna's leadership of the Philippine Revolutionary Army during the Philippine-American War. It opens with the beginning of hostilities with the American colonizers, and ends with the assassination of Luna on June 5, 1899 - a period in which Luna served as Supreme Chief of the Army under the First Philippine Republic. Directed by Jerrold Tarog and produced by Artikulo Uno Productions, the film received
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“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly,” was a quote written by Richard Bach. Like this quote, Jim Hawkins changes from a poltroon to an adventurous living soul. Heroism is the discovery of the true meaning of responsibility. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Treasure Island, a book that shows how the death of those close to him, the fear of dieing, and relationships with his mother and buccaneers ameliorated and matured Jim Hawkins. The death of people close to
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My favorite constellation is Sagittarius, or "The Archer" because it's my zodiac sign. Sagittarius is the largest constellation in the Southern Hemisphere, making it the fifteenth largest constellation overall. It's located at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and its brightest stars form a teapot. This infamous constellation, often depicted as being a centaur holding a bow and arrow, was catalogued in the 2nd century by the Greek astronomer, Ptolemy. Though Sagittarius is a constellation like
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Harriet Tubman was born into slavery, but that did not keep her away from what she thought was important. Harriet Tubman was always a active person from being a slave, to a cook, and nurse in the civil war, started scouting and at the end of her heroism she became a scout for south states to check if they still had slaves, because slavery had ended but the North wanted to know if they followed that law. Harriet Tubman was also a writer at one time which i did not know. Harriet Tubman's name first
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The literal definition of an epic hero is “a brave and noble character in an epic poem, admired for great achievements or affected by grand events”(Dictionary.com). People usually see a hero as someone in a cape, who flies around the city saving people. There are, however, epic heroes in real life. An example would include Princess Diana. She embodied the characteristics of an epic hero because she was capable of deeds of great strength and courage, a national hero, and she faced overwhelming foes
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The Burghers of Calais is a sculpture made by Auguste Rodin. This sculpture was made in the years of 1884-9 and is located in Calais, France. I believe that Rodin made his sculpture to be a sculpture in the round, which means that it is meant to be seen from all sides. The person viewing the work must walk or move around it to see the whole thing. There are four main ways to make a sculpture, which is carving, modeling, casting, and assembling. In this particular sculpture, Rodin used the casting
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Captain Morgan The question is not if Captain Morgan will be remembered, but how he will be remembered. I never got to meet the man, just hear the legend of him from my great grandfather who was just a child when Captain Morgan passed away. He heard all of the tales Captain Morgan embarked on from his grandfather, who was one of his closest friends. There are few unaware of Captain Morgan’s escapades on the island of Jamaica, but there are none that know his life quite like I, Andrew Modyford
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