ROGER B RUEDA WRITING CLASS 10 Kinds of Rhetorical Modes (1) Description Descriptive writing calls for close attention to details. Whether your subject is as small as a strawberry or as large as a football stadium, you should begin by observing your subject closely and deciding which details are most significant. Topic Suggestions: a basketball, baseball glove, or tennis racket a bowl of fruit a character from a book, film, or television programme a child's secret hiding place a
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War and Peace Thomas Merton wrote “Peace demands the most heroic labor and most difficult sacrifice. It demands great heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience”. I believe that peace is needed in this present world,where you hear every country is in war with other countries, whether it is related to terrorism, religion, or any other reason. When many religious beliefs describes war as holy war against their opponents. It is very difficult
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Randi Fortson World Literature I Maki 9/20/12 Gilgamesh- Epic Hero? In this epic, the so called hero Gilgamesh is very contradictory in his actions. He displays acts of heroism at some points throughout the story, but only after he meets Enkidu. Prior to Enkidu entering Gilgamesh’s life, Gilgamesh’s actions could be said to be villainous. There are several controversial opinions on whether Gilgamesh is considered an epic hero due to the fact that at the beginning of the epic he was not
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Denzel Washington looks just right playing a point-and-shoot John Wayne type character in The Magnificent Seven. The movie takes place in the Old West, but the drama and humor appeals to both western and non-western audiences. The Magnificent Seven is a gunslinging movie with a blunt but worthwhile storyline. When the lines of good and evil are blurred, Washington and his team can be trusted to bring clarity to the big screen. During this inspirational movie, a group of western misfits are assembled
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In this quote, Gerald W. Johnson is asserting that anyone can be a hero, no matter what you are made of, as long as there is a demand. In order to be a hero, according to Johnson, there just has to be a demand for one. In times of need, anybody can be a hero even if they do not possess the typical hero characteristics. To most people, a hero is defined as someone who is strong―physically and mentally―, brave, as well as powerful. However, Johnson believes that these characteristics do not matter
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As I previously stated, it was a turning point in my life. Pet Semetary opened my eyes to a world of books that were more than crazy tales of heroism, like Percy Jackson, and instead were more complex and mysterious instead of childish. Stephen King novels in general have a special place in my heart; they actually made me more mature in a sense. I know it’s kinda cheesy to talk about literal mental
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She respectfully honors everyone who experienced the camps for their passive heroism because they knew that if they rebelled, more innocent people would be mercilessly killed. Yolen begins to use facts, listing the camps and the hundreds of thousands of people left dead after the Holocaust. Yolen states, “Treblinka, where 840,000
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The Battle of the Alamo It was in December, 1835, when a group of Texans started a attack on the Alamo, which at the time was occupied of Mexican forces. Mexico gained their independence 14 years earlier from Spain ( Now it was the Texans that wanted their independence, but this time from Mexico. With the capture of The Alamo, this would be the one of the first actions to gain their independence. The group of Texans that capture the fort was led by George Collinsworth and Benjamin
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because of the thought of Grendel taking their lives, but also what will happen if they show a lack of faith (183-188). Another fearful rationalization is also made when Beowulf is talking about all of his victories. In the middle of talking about his heroism, he stops and says, “—I boast not of it!” (587). Holding too much pride is known to be the downfall of many Biblical characters and is the first deadly sin in Christianity. Beowulf then proceeds to tell the rest of his story after he has put on a
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The First World War was the first global scale conflict, Australia participated in World War 1 in the 1910’s (1914 – 1918) and fought against countries such as France, Belgium and the British on the western front of Gallipoli. After years of remembering the war, it leads into the investigation, why does the public commemorate the First World War. To fully understand the impact World War 1 had on the people of Australia it is important to examine; how does Australia recall the soldiers who fought
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