High Blood Pressure Vs Obesity

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    Mass Tort

    Johnson, 2010). In the specific case of Merck&Co. vs Garza, the estate of Leonel Garza sued Merck over Mr. Garza’s untimely death. Mr. Garza had started taking Vioxx on March 27, 2001 after visiting his cardiologist and complaining of pain and weakness over a 24 hour period (Merck & Co., Inc. v. Garza). His doctor gave him a one week sample of Vioxx. After this initial appointment, Mr. Garza received several different tests involving blood flow and cardiac tests. At the follow up appointment

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    Care Plan

    no history of ETOH or drug use. NURSING CARE PLAN ADMITTING MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS: Client's principal admitting diagnosis was leukocytosis. Definition: (from Taber’s) “An increase in the number of leukocytes (usually above 10,000/mm3) in the blood. It occurs most commonly in disease processes involving infection, inflammation, trauma, or stress, but it also can result from the use of some medications” (Venes, 2009, p. 1327). Etiology/pathophysiology: ( NOT from Taber’s or Wikipedia) Etiology:

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    Med Surge 2 Study

    difference in venous and arterial disease!) PAD (thickening of the artery walls, which results in the progressive narrowing of the arteries of the upper and lower extremities) -risk factors: tobacco use (most important), hyperlipidemia, elevated high sensitivity C-reactive protein, diabetes (occurs much earlier), uncontrolled hypertension, increases with age, African Americans, 2 times higher in Mexican/Hispanic American women then white women -PAD is a marker for advanced systemic artherosclerosis**

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    Cardiac Notes

    contractions is 3:1. TREATMENT is synchronized cardioversion (like defibrillation but the less Joules, 150-200 vs 300, and you must push the “sync” button to synchronize the energy so as to not direct it onto the T wave and send the patient in V-fib) and ablations. * Valve Replacement: patient must be put on blood thinner afterwards and must be anticoagulated more than normal. 3-4x INR vs 1.5-2x INR * Atrial Fibrillation: total disorganization of atrial activity and ineffective atrial contractions

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    Cirrhosis and Related Liver Disorders

    diseases of the liver can be so devastating. One class of chronic diseases affecting the liver is cirrhosis. (Kasper, 2008) Cirrhosis is a condition in which normal liver cells are damaged and replaced by scar tissue. As the scar tissue accumulates, blood flow through the organ is obstructed which prevents the liver from functioning normally. Cirrhosis can be difficult to notice early because the preliminary stages rarely demonstrate any signs or symptoms. As liver function deteriorates, the effects

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    Nutritional Needs Ad

    pregnancy to discuss ways of managing these issues, and treating the problem will keep it under control ("Reproductive Health", 2014). Problems that arise from pregnancy can be from mild to severe such as anemia that is having a lower than normal red blood cells. Women who are anemic feels tired and weak. Taking vitamins like iron and folic acid supplements levels out your iron need through pregnancy ("Reproductive Health", 2014). A pregnant woman should consume up to 2,200 – 2,900 calories per day

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    Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

    What is diabetes? Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a condition where the amount of glucose in the blood is too high Glucose comes from the digestion of carbohydrate containing food and drinks and is also produced by the liver Carbohydrate comes from many different sources including starchy foods such as bread, potatoes and chapattis, fruit, dairy products, sugar and other sweet foods The food we eat turns into glucose (sugar) for energy The pancreas makes insulin (a hormone) to help glucose get

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    Analysis Of Alzheimer's Disease

    Alzheimer's disease is a disease of the brain that is eventually fatal and affects how a person thinks, feels, and acts. It is an "irreversible disease and destroys brain cells causing thinking ability and memory to deteriorate." ("Alzheimer's Disease", 2016). Each individual with this fatal disease is affected in different ways. There is no order in which symptoms occur or the speed of their progression. Alzheimer's disease affects a person's ability to make decisions, perform simple tasks, or follow

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    Gi and Study Guide

    I’s and O’s. Blood glucose check. Complication Related To tube and feeding - Vomiting and or Aspiration - Diarrhea - Constipation - Dehydration ---------------------------------------- Central PN – is indicated when long term parenteral support is necessary or when the patient has high protein and caloric requirements. Peripheral PN – is used when; - nutritional support is needed for only a short time - protein and caloric requirement are not high. - The risk

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    Twelve Domains of Culture

    tu Twelve Domains of Culture Chart |Mexican |Chinese |South Korean |Indian |Laotian |German |Canadian |Japanese |Filipino |Brazilian | |Overview, inhabited localities, & topography |Prefer to be referred to as Mexican American, geo-graphically, historically, and culturally diverse, reside mostly in CA, TX, IL, AZ, FL, NM, CO, 90% live in urban areas, fastest growing ethnic population in U.S. |Immigrants to Western countries very diverse, culture differs with mix of west and traditional values

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