History Of Christianity

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    The Da Vinci Code

    Truth and Fiction in The Da Vinci Code -Bible did not arrive from heaven: or not divinely inspired, God-breathed; product of man -Man created it as a historical record and has evolved through countless translations, additions, and revisions. History has never had a definite version of the book -Jesus Christ was a historical figure of staggering influence -Over 80 gospels were considered for NT, but Constantine the Great chose the 4 of Matt, Mark, Luke, John -Was Constantine a Christian? Hardly

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    The Effects of Christianity on Architecture

    Throughout history religion has continually played an important part in the on goings of humanity. Religious differences have created new societies and even sparked domestic and international conflicts. Beyond these areas of influence, religion has affected art in the form of the colloquial idea of art as well as literature, sculpture and architecture. Two structures where religion plays heavy influence, in differing time periods are the Arch of Constantine in Rome, Italy, and the Notre Dame de Paris

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    The ‘Christianization’ Process of the London Missionary Society in 19th Century South Africa: a Case Study of Bethelsdorp and Thornberg

    (from a watercolor by John Campbell, 1819.) By courtesy of Africana Museum, Johannesburg 3. Map: Nineteenth-Century Mission Stations to Bushmen (from Tricksters and Trancers, 1999) 4. Erasmus Smith (from Christianity in South Africa: A Political, Social, and Cultural History, 1997) PLAGIARISM DECLARATION ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- PLAGIARISM DECLARATION -------------------------------------------------

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    you really don't understand the depth of the epic. Being in a college level course we learned that the original author is an unknown man from pagan times written between the 600th and the 700th century, which is another debate all on its own.(The History of Beowulf) The epic poem Beowulf has deep roots in Paganism and was translated later in Christian times. Being a story from Anglo-Saxon England one has to wonder about what was going on at the time it was written. "The Christian church had

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    The Rise of the Papacy

    DOMINANCE While many factors contributed to the papacy’s dominance over Western Europe from the fall of the Empire until the reformation, there are three overarching reasons for this rise in power and sustained authority. First, the spread of Christianity. Second, the

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    CHRISTIANITY: THE BEGINNING In The Acts of Perpetua and Felicita, three men and two women willingly walk into an arena where wild beasts are ready to kill them. After suffering beastly wounds, the survivors are willingly led out of the arena, and killed by sword. What was their crime? What gave them the courage to remain firm in the face of such peril? The answer to both of these questions would be Christianity. This is just one case out of hundreds and hundreds where people have willingly

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    Contemporary Issues in Western Religions

    diverse society is to understand their religious beliefs and practices. In the western world there are three major religions. These religions are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Each of these religions is monotheistic and is practiced by more than half the people in the world. Monotheistic religion is the belief in one God. Although Judaism, Christianity and Islam religious practices are each monotheistic, some of the religious traditions are different. Judaism believes there is one God who cannot

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    Religious and Ethnic Groups

    (Pecorino, 2001). Christianity, the predominant religion in America, also has its roots in the Middle East. However, Christianity isn’t nearly as present now in the Middle East as Islam. As a matter of fact, Christianity is now the predominant religion of America, with roughly 78 percent of Americans identifying with the group (Pew Research Center, 2007). Islam, on the other hand, only represents about one percent of the country (Pew Research Center, 2007). Comparison of Christianity and Islam

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    Life of Constantine

    History May 6, 2013 Dr. Kletter Eusebius : Life of Constantine The Life of Constantine, written by Eusebius of Caesarea (260-339 C.E) is a story written in the memory of Constantine the Great. The tone somewhat seems to be giving high praise to Constantine commenting on the deeds of Constantine. Kevin Reilly states, “The emperor’s historian Eusebius recognized both the importance of the emperor and the role of the empire in the success of Christianity in the winning the Roman Empire”(246).

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    Middle Ages

    Tragic events did happen, but during this period many events happened that weren't so dark. Such things as the rise of new Universities, the division of Christianity and the Renaissance. Let's begin to think of the middle ages as the birth of Western Civilization, instead of the images we have in our heads due to movies and high school history. During the High Middle Ages(1000CE-1300), ideas were changing, society became more interested in art, sports, education, and literature. Occupations

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