History Of State And Federal Prisons

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    (How does the prison environment influence the way you ensure security and custody in your prison?). Michael Mosley will answer question 2 (What methods of secure custody do you use in your prison?). Mahasolin Robinson will answer question 3 (How do you ensure professionalism among the corrections staff?). Jimmy Bolden will answer question 4 (Do you work for a private or non-private prison? How do your daily work experiences differ from those of others according to the type of prison you work for

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    2,310,984 held in federal or state prisons or jails in the United States. Of these 1,540,805 were serving out sentences under federal or state jurisdiction. There was an increase of 509 from 506 sentenced prisoners per 100,000 United States residents from yearend 2007. This was an overall increase of 0.8% from the previous yearend. This was however less than the average increase of 2.4% annually for the years 2000 to 2007. (1) These numbers show the growth of the United States inmate population which

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    Frank Jude Case Essay

    However, the case of Frank Jude is an example where justice was served. In October 2004 Frank Jude (26) and his friend Lovell Harris were at a house party in Bay View, Milwaukee. The owner of the house was an off-duty officer; Andrew Spengler. During the party Frank and Harris were told that a few people at the party were racists, so they decided to leave, with the help of a lady who said she will take them home. However according to Spengler, who was a six year veteran in the Police force, he claimed

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    The School to Prison Pipeline

    The School to Prison Pipeline: The Criminalization of American Students The School to Prison Pipeline: The Criminalization of American Students Kimberly N. Wright Western Governors University Introduction Your permanent record! The thing that was held over most of our heads when we were in school. Your teacher or maybe your parents threatened that your bad behavior was going to end up on your “permanent record” and ruin your life. We shrugged them off, thought

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    Fighting Crime with Murder Introduction—two wrongs don’t make a right even though two negatives make a positive. I. What is death penalty? A. Methods of execution. B. The history of the death penalty. II. How do you got put on the death row “death penalty” A. What state uses what method? B. What states don’t use any method? III. What do the people think about the death penalty in the U.S.? A. Why are people for the death penalty? B. Why are people against the death

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    Penitentiary Ideal and Models of American Prison

    American Prison A prison is in place to confine and deprive people from their basic freedoms. A prison is an institution that is part of the criminal justice system that is imposed for the conviction of a crime. A criminal that is charged or going to be charged will be held in a prison if unable to come up with the money for bail. A criminal defendant is also placed in a prison if they are found guilty of a crime (Americanprisonsystem.com, 2009). Throughout this paper the history of a prison, the

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    Sentencing laws in the United States corrections vary, depending on the objectives set at the state and federal levels. Sentencing guidelines provide structure at the criminal sentencing stage by defining offense and offender elements that should be considered in each case to determine the correct sentence. There are four justifications for punishment in the United States; the four principal objectives of punishment are traditionally stated as retribution

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    Criminal Justice Trends

    world’s leader in incarceration is the United States. Prisons and jails operate around two philosophies of punishment vs. rehabilitation. The past tend was solitary confinement with no concern for inmate rehabilitation or any concern for the well-being of the inmates. Most of the increase has come from the changes in sentencing laws and policies, but not in the crime rates. These trends have stemmed in prison overcrowding and financial burdens on states to oblige a fast increasing penal system.

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    Drug Cartel Research Paper

    drug trafficking due to drug cartel gangs. Drug cartel gangs are spread out throughout the world. The gangs in Mexico have ties throughout the United States and many more countries. The drug cartel has gotten so powerful that it is considered a terrorist group by many countries. The main concern is members of the cartel spilling over into the United States of America. The drug cartels are responsible for overthrowing

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    Corrections Trend Evaluation

    evolve in the United States reflecting society’s values and ideals throughout the centuries. In the criminal justice system, corrections exist in more than one form. Not only do corrections refer to jails and prison systems but they also pertain to community-based programs, such as probation, parole, halfway houses, and treatment facilities. Past, present, and future trends in regard to the development and operation of institutional and community-based corrections vary between states but corrections have

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