Ho Ching

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    What Would Be to Your Mind an Ideal Education System?

    What would be to your mind an ideal education system? A country is weak or powerful, which depends on its education system. Realizing the important role of education in life, Ho Chi Minh, in one of his speeches on education, said: “For the sake of ten years’ benefits, plant trees; for the sake of one hundred years’ benefits, educate people.” An ideal education system must try to carry out the following aims. First, training human personality both mentally and physically is important. It is said

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    The Vietnam War

    America’s longest war is known as The Vietnam War. Around 1950, in efforts to protect the Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia known as the French Empire in Indochina the US initiated their involvement. In addition to protecting the French Empire the prevention of Ho Chi Minh’s Nationalist-Communist Viet Minh forces gaining control of the French Empire was also a key objective. At the battle of Dien Bien Phu, the Viet Minh seemed to achieve independence and national sovereignty in addition to their victory, regardless

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    to African American Studies Comment Paper #3 3/14/2011 Dr. King speaks of the struggle as a hope for the poor and oppressed, regardless of race or creed as Ho Chi Minh fought for the liberty of his people over the corrupt Dieu regime. Noting he had several major reasons for commenting on Vietnam, the most apparent and obvious of the irony that we “have been repeatedly faced with the cruel irony of watching

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    and “FedEx Services”. -Location worldwide * Auckland  * Bangkok * Beijing * Cebu * Christchurch  * Guangzhou * Hanoi * Ho Chi Minh * Hong Kong * Jakarta * Kuala Lumpur * Manila * Melbourne  * Osaka * Penang * Seoul * Shanghai * Shenzhen * Singapore * Sydney * Taipei * Tokyo -Total

    Words: 391 - Pages: 2

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    Usa's Increasing Involvement in the Vietnam War

    row of dominos which was known as the ‘Domino Theory’ with President Eisenhower coming up with this term. Another reason to explain US intervention in Vietnam is the inability of the South to defend itself against North Vietnam, which was ruled by Ho Chi Minh who was a Communist, and

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    Hist410N Week 1 Case Study Latest 2016

    western country. Why did he pick the US? Devry HIST410N Week 6 Case Study A. Case Study: Ho Chi Minh and Vietnamese Independence Was Ho Chi Minh a Communist? To many Americans he was. But to many Vietnamese he was a nationalist hero, and to even a few Americans he was that as well, plus a friend, and ally and a comrade in arms during World War 2. It may be hard to paint Ho with any color other than gray, and now, nearly 50 years after his death and 40 years after the end of the

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    War Just or Unjust

    just if it’s in defense. In this paper, I will explain why the Vietnam War was just. The United States got involved in the Vietnam War from 1954 -1964 to prevent and contain communism. In Vietnam, an independence movement under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh rose to challenge French rule. The United States helped France by giving financial and military aid. The US had moral and ethical reasons to stand up and face unethical leaders that oppressed other weaker people and to contain the spread of

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    Online History

    control by 1893. -Japan controlled Indochina during WW2. - Ho Chi Minh fought against Japan - Ho Minh advocated for Viatnamese independence all of his life. Wanted to talk to Pres. Wilson at the Versailles Conference about Vietnamese independence. He was a communist who was educated in communist universities in the Soviet Union. Much stronger nationalist (wanted Vietnam free from France. - Ho formed a government in North Vietnam due to his successful guerilla attacks

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    believe that it was. I think it was a direct creature from the north Vietmin. 4. Was the NLF an independent organization truly representative of the aspirations of the people in South Vietnam? ANSWER: No, it was an organization that represented Ho Chi Minh’s asperations to untie the north and the south under communist rule. 5. Had the United States, or the DRV, broken the Geneva Accords? No, in 1954, The United States responded by hastily putting together a humanitarian mission to assist

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    The Impact of the Us Bombings in Vietnam

    There are a number of impacts that we could argue about the impact of the conflict in Vietnam but I am going to be talking about the 3 main points. They are how it was a military success, how it failed in its military objectives and how it didn’t have an impact on the NVA/VC because of their change of their tactics. In my opinion I don’t think the US bombing had a great impact on the conflict in Vietnam but it did have little impact. The first point is Operation Rolling Thunder being a military

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