Ho Ching

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    Vietnam Report

    Vietnam analysis Vietnam analysis This year’s MBA fieldtrip to Vietnam aim was to examine the different approaches adopted in order compete in a highly competitive global business environment. The visit involved either visiting or having the opportunity to meet six businesses senior managers of successfully organisations operating in Vietnam and a non-for-profit organisation. The six businesses were either multinational organisations or local businesses from a wide range of industries, such

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    Forwarding Service for Air Exports at Mbs Logistics Vietnam

    FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY CAMPUS MID-COURSE INTERNSHIP REPORT Major: External Economics FORWARDING SERVICE FOR SEA EXPORTS AT MBS LOGISTICS VIETNAM. Internee: DƯƠNG UYÊN PHƯƠNG Student ID: 1201017269 Class: K51CLC2 Supervisor: Ms. Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Nga Ho Chi Minh City, May 2015. SUPERVISOR’S REMARKS ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

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    How Far Was the North Vietnamese Government, in the Years 1964 to 1968, Responsible for the Escalation of the War in Vietnam?

    war in Vietnam? (24marks) Following the assassination of Kennedy and Diem in 1963, the Vietnam War began to escalate at a rapid rate. This escalation can be blamed on the North Vietnamese in Hanoi as they coordinated attacks and through use of the Ho Chi Minh Trail which had no limit on the expansion of the trails use. However the escalation cannot only be blamed on the North Vietnamese as at this time the situation in South Vietnam was very volatile and this caused the us officials to believe escalation

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    Vietnam Protest

    against the casualties that had resulted due to the war in Vietnam. After World War I, Vietnam created the nationalist movement, which formed separate states for each nation. During World War II, Japan invaded Vietnam, causing the Vietnamese leader, Ho Chi Minh, to liberate his people. Minh used guerilla warfare, private non-state affiliated men to attack the Japanese (Neil). Upon Minh’s win, he attained the territories once belonging to France and created a new nation under the communist government

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    The Vietnam War

    gather under the leader of Ho Chi Minh, (Neu, 2005, p.2). The man who led the revolutionary army of Vietnam to fight for freedom was Ho Chi Minh. He had so much influence to the country and to the world. As Charles E. Neu said of Ho around the time he was a leader “Ho became one of the great revolutionary leaders of the twentieth century”, (Neu, 2005, p.3). He was the man behind all the actions. In 1941, the Viet Minh or the Independent of Vietnam were formed under the lead of Ho Chi Minh, (Neu, 2005,

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    Johnsons Conflict

    Johnson’s Limited War HIST-415 DeVry University November, 2013 The year 1965 could easily have been named Lyndon Johnson’s “Conflicted Conflict”. When we consider the big picture of 1965, the war in South Vietnam is not exactly progressing, as those in Washington would like, anyway. There have already been limited strikes against some targets in North Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. However, the full brunt of American military force has yet to be felt by Hanoi. General Westmoreland

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    This group of Vietnamese soldiers would soon be the communist leaders of North Vietnam, however, at the time American forces were not concerned that Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap were communists because America was still allied with the Soviet Union, a communist state, at that point during World War II (Westheider 2). The Vietminh under leadership of Ho Chi Minh and with training from American OSS forces were simultaneously fighting the Japanese, while at the same time gaining more political control

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    Just War Theory

    and Communist China acknowledged the Ho chi Minh regime as the presiding government of Vietnam. China also began to train and supply military weapons to the Viet Minh (Revolutionary League for the Independence of Vietnam), which was, at the time, developing into a major communist hotbed. Top U.S. officials informed the president that they would either have to support the legal government in Indochina or face the spread of communism in Southeast Asia. Ho Chi Minh, founder and president of the

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    The Vietnam Conflict

    long before the U.S. became involved in the conflict. Vietnam had been occupied by foreign countries for many years, and by 1940, Vietnam was under both French and Japanese rule. Ho Chi Minh, a Communist Vietnamese revolutionary leader, vowed to create a Vietnam that was independent of foreign rule (Davidson, 2011, p. 839). Ho Chi Minh established the Viet Minh whose main purpose was to liberate Vietnam from French and Japanese control. Northern Vietnam supported the Viet Minh efforts to create an independent

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    Vietnam Assignment

    Indochinese nationalists opposed to both Japan and France, and joined forces to create an independent movement called Vietminh. This movement was controlled by communists despite the objections of the nationalists. The movement was led by Moscow who trained Ho Chi Minh. After World War II, France promised independence to Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, three states under the Indochina regime; with the Vietminh movement proven to be independent without France’s offers, tension arose among communist China and

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