1. Introduction Primark is an Irish clothing retailer, operating in Europe, in countries such as Germany, Spain, Ireland and United Kingdom. It is a subsidiary of Associated British Foods (ABF), a British multinational food processing and retailing company. Primark first open in Dublin 1969 under the name Penney’s, and have retained the name till this day in Ireland. Over the years Primark have expanded by buying out their competitors such as British Home Stores (BHS) and Clemens and August (C&A)
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FLEXIBILITY AND WORK-LIFE BALANCE: Comparing flexible policies in Sweden, Australia and the UK. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 2. DEFINING WORKING-TIME FLEXIBILITY AND WORK-LIFE BALANCE………………………………3 3.1 FLEXIBILITY: EMPLOYERS´ APPROACH…………………………………………….……………………..4 3.2 WORK-LIFE BALANCE: EMPLOYEES´ APPROACH…………………………..………………………..6 3.3 TYPES OF FLEXIBILITY AND WORK-LIFE BALANCE……………….……….…………………………7 3. ANALYSING FLEXIBILITY
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International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 11; June 2012 Cross-Cultural Values Comparison between Chinese and Sub-Saharan Africans Jean Pierre MIAHOUAKANA MATONDO PhD Student in Business Administration Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University 1882, Yan’an Road, Shanghai China Abstract With a Sino-African trade growing at 40% a year and a steadily growing economy above 5% in Africa are challenging Chinese companies and individual Chinese
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Therefore, understanding cultural differences is crucial for the success of an organization venturing in foreign countries. This assignment aims at trying to explain the different aspects of Culture by using the “Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner's Seven Dimensions” Model; to elaborate on the importance of Culture in a business environment; and how an International manager manage people with different Culture. BACKGROUND The number of workers employed by foreign-owned companies has grown significantly
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Reference journal for getting an Idea on how to write the term paper. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management is a semestral, open access scientific journal that publishes theoretical and empirical peer-reviewed articles, which contribute to advance the understanding of phenomena related with all aspects of industrial engineering and industrial management. JIEM includes contributions, but not limited to, in the following fields: (1) Production, Logistics, Quality, and Operational Research;
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Introduction Culture has a major influence on international and local businesses. Firms today have to deal with the reality of cultural diversity not just on the international business scene but also within their organizations. Understanding this diversity and successfully interpreting it helps to realize and take advantage of the opportunities provided by globalization. Analyzing the cultures of triumphing companies and countries helps to compare, contrast and learn from their path to glory. Based
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differences, dimensions and attitudes have began to take place and different scientists and observers started coming out with their own set of discoveries and observations (McGregor, 2004). The main reason behind cultural difference and dimensions started when workers of different countries started working together on unified projects and conflicts started arising between the people of different races and culture (Kotler, 2008). Keeping in view of such situations, Dutch Sociologist Gerard Hofstede came up
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Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies When East and West Meet, Page 1 When East and West Meet: An Essay on the Importance of Cultural Understanding in Global Business Practice and Education S. J. Chang Illinois State University ABSTRACT As today’s business decisions and choices are increasingly influenced by the diverse cultural backgrounds and perspectives of various corporate stakeholders, it is critical for business managers to have multicultural understanding. This motivates
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`çêéçê~íÉ=pçÅá~ä=oÉëéçåëáÄáäáíó=áå= íÜÉ=eçíÉä=fåÇìëíêó=Ó=^=`êçëë= `ìäíìê~ä=mÉêëéÉÅíáîÉ= qÉêÉë~=kçêÇ Miljö och hållbart företagande Magisteruppsats 2006:4 Centrum för tvärvetenskaplig miljöforskning Vår välfärd bygger på att samspelet mellan människa, samhälle och natur fungerar. Forskning om hur samhället vårdar basen för sin välfärd, och når hållbar utveckling, kräver kunskap från flera områden. Därför finns Centrum för tvärvetenskaplig miljöforskning, CTM. CTM är ett fristående centrum
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The purpose of this research paper is to define the most difficult challenges of international human resource management, such as cultural diversity and the problem of managing people in different cultures and environments, convergence and divergence and the variety of international organizational models that exist. This paper proves that human resource managers of global organizations can not afford to ignore challenges of international human resource management, in order to ensure company’s success
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