THE HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POS2001: Governance: Concepts, Issues and Perspective Topic 8: Overall, how would you assess the recent stamp duty changes in Hong Kong? Is this special stamp duty fair to foreign companies and non-permanent Hong Kong residents? Stamp duties from the tax history theoretical point of view, the development of any kind of tax are related to the prevailing political and economic. In Hong Kong, Special Stamp Duty (SSD) is the government on November
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Google: Dealing with China Group 1 - What major pros and cons are there, regarding alternatives for addressing issues/opportunities? Some of the major pro’s that may be present while addressing issues and opportunities is that it may force individuals to think of alternative methods to conduct their business. Some of the advantages of coming up with new ideas is that it can also lead to new opportunities that may not have presented themselves had they not been forced to confront something that
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There have 10 problems in Chinese students in EASB. 1.Too easy to believe others When confronted with a stranger knocked on the door, the Chinese students did think about it will open the door, or to the need to help others, when Chinese students are willing to help. 2.Lack of protection awareness Nap or night time shut doors and windows do not understand, or do not pay attention when walking their behavior. 3.Poor interpersonal relationships Chinese habits of other countries to measure habits
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Case 2-1 BMW Taps the Emerging Chinese Luxury market 1a) Human beings have a tendency to demand more luxury products when their income increases. As the text indicates, income of Chinese people has risen over the last few years so they start to demand more luxury goods. With their higher income also the more traditional collectivist values disappeared. 1b) Chinese people believe that the countries in Northern-Europe are symbols of luxury and with their recent rise in income they are starting
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since the outbreak of SARS, people still cannot forget the disasters. Certainly, Hong Kong government has taken a good lesson and should be well-prepared after the disaster of SARS. It is necessary to improve medical treatment internally within Hong Kong, but the prevention of spreading diseases from other countries is also important in maintaining a good public health. From the piece of news, I noticed that Hong Kong still has some loopholes in carrying out the prevention policies. The expansion
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Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economics Studies Australia (ACESA) Guanxi Neglect at the Roaring Dragon in South-west China: The demise of an International Management Contract Stephen Grainger1 University of Western Australia ‘guanxi neglect – neglecting opportunities to show respect towards guanxi relationships’ Abstract This paper introduces the concept of guanxi neglect through a case study that describes the takeover of a formerly Chinese managed
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international marketer; I want to learn what it means to be a bridge or mediator between different parts of the world —specifically Hong Kong, the city with the fastest growing GDP and the focal point for international marketing in Asia. Furthermore, One of my goals is to become proficient in at least five languages, and I will accomplish this by continuing my studies in Chinese. Hong Kong is great place to learn Cantonese and Mandarin, while still developing my English as well. Exposure to Chinese communities
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西云公司的福利计划改革 一、西云公司在改革过程中遵循的理念 1. 与企业效益结合,同时体现人文关怀 明确企业的最终目的是获取利润,毕竟利润才是企业生存之本,没有利润何谈发展?可是企业利润的创造又是由职工来完成的。职工的工作质量、工作效率会直接影响企业的发展和效益的提高。正确解决好职工福利问题,可以促进企业更好地发展,同时,职工充分享受到企业福利待遇,必然给企业带来数倍的效益。所以要将企业的福利待遇同员工的本职工作结合起来,在确保企业效益最大化的前提下,让员工享受到企业的福利待遇。 2. 与公司的文化相结合,不盲目施惠 为避免福利发放的盲目性,确保福利原本的激励作用,福利的设计应该充分体现企业的战略目标和企业文化,使其成为牵引、推动员工向企业目标努力的工具;应该对员工的行为产生影响,有利于企业目标的实现和企业文化的塑造。而且对给予员工的福利必要的与企业战略结合起来,使员工明确企业的战略目标并且增强员工的责任心和归属感。 员工福利与企业效益的关系: 1、 企业调控人工成本和生产基金关系的重要工具;树立企业良好的社会形象;提高企业美誉度。 福利是
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上升星座分析 该星盘的上升星座是:巨蟹座 27°31'30"4 上升星座为巨蟹座的人温文儒雅,内心充满爱,给人温暖亲切之感。火相、风相太阳星座遇上升巨蟹座,内心的情感会更丰富,有利思考,平和心境。而火相太阳星座遇之,直觉会更加敏锐,既坚强又感性,常常会把灿烂、亲切的笑容挂在脸上,让人想要亲近。水相太阳星座遇到则会更为内敛,柔柔的,充满温情,但依赖之心也更加强烈。 上升位于巨蟹座:母性、家庭、爱 优点:照顾,仁爱,勤俭。 缺点:情绪化,斤斤计较,没有自信。 上升代表:灵魂,外在行为,生活态度。 基本特质: 上升星落在巨蟹座的人有关怀和照顾别人的母性本能,但你的内心却很敏感且容易受到伤害。你有点怕生,但很容易亲近,是非常亲切而勤奋的人。 上升星座巨蟹座具体特质: 上升星落入巨蟹座的你很懂得保护自己,你虽然会对不熟悉的人表示出关怀之意,但你绝不会说出自己内心的感觉。除非你们已经相互了解并累积了不少的感情,你才会解除安全戒备措施,开始信任对方并分享心事。由于你将许多的事都藏在心里,加上你又有些敏感,情绪会显得比较多
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《表征——文化表象与意指实践》读书笔记 《表征——文化表象与意指实践》这本书中,重点在于前半部分对于文化的认识和对于意义的理解,以及语言作为表征的系统是如何运作的。 “意义永远是一种对话,永远只能部分的被理解,永远是不平等的交换。[1]所谓“只可意会,不可言传。”就是此意,而对于同一事物,不同的人“意会”角度与程度不尽相同,所以才导致理解差异与不平等。意义并不是被内在于事物中,它是被建构出来的,意义的产生经过媒介的生产表达。 而霍尔又提出“在所有这些不同的机构场合中,意义得以产生和循环的最具优势的一个‘媒介’就是语言。”[2]关于语言,语言是作为一个表征系统来运作的,各种语言都是“表征的系统”,所以表征即是通过语言产生意义。《牛津英语简明辞典》也给出此词的两个相关意义:第一,表征某物即描绘或摹状它;第二,表征还意味着象征、代表。这两个意义给我们提供了表征的范围,即具象和抽象。具象是头脑里具有所表征的事物的具体形象,
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