Creativity comes in many forms and fashions to an individual, “being creative means combining knowledge and imagination” (Ruggiero, 2009, p. 98). Creative people can have numerous talents ranging from problem solving to an individual who is creative in the arts. Understanding creativity and where it comes from is rather difficult, as no one truly knows because creativity can come in a variety of ways. In some cases it can come in the form of a mistake or accident, such as the potato chip, corn
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en caso de que se haya omitido material. Use corchetes, no paréntesis, para incluir agregados o explicaciones de usted. • Citas indirectas y sumarios Son citas específicas o generales de ideas o datos de una fuente pero descritas con nuestras propias palabras. Deben ser fieles al sentido, idea y contexto originales. • Identificación de la fuente antes o después de cualquier tipo de cita Se debe incluir el apellido o apellidos del autor o autores, el año en que se publicó la obra
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surface to allow vision to another space, while not being in it. I thought that windows are overlooked because they are meant to be looked through. So, I focused in on glass and was looking at the windows that I encounter in my daily life. The idea of a window is a clear transparent space to see through. Windows are meant to be kept clean so, it can fulfill its job of being a space to see out of. What made me inspired were the windows of my Jeep Liberty. In the winter, long streaking white stains
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it, we were just unable to cover our expenses. Near the time we were closing down shop, this building was going up for sale. It was actually being run as a coffee shop. The woman who had been running it was moving to Arizona. We had a lot of good ideas for the shop, so we decided to buy it from her. Did small business run in your family? No, it’s funny that you ask that. My sister and I always laugh about the fact that we ended up going into small business. No, my father worked as a carpenter
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this is by forcing people to think a certain way. The council decides what is best for the people and enforces those ideas, and the people are forced to live that way. They are told to obey or they will be sent the home of corrective detention, and the leaders believe with this and no violence or hate this is a perfect society. They don’t consider that without listening to people’s ideas they will only travel back in time, with no new development or acceptance they will not move forward in their society
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The Allegory of the Cave is Plato's explanation of the education of the soul toward enlightenment. He sees it as what happens when someone is educated to the level of philosopher. He contends that they must "go back into the cave" or return to the everyday world of politics, greed and power struggles. The Allegory also attacks people who rely upon or are slaves to their senses. The chains that bind the prisoners are the senses. The fun of the allegory is to try to put all the details of the cave
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certain diseases which were present in the soil. Blake felt the danger the children were facing and hence created a company around the whole concept of social entrepreneurship. The design of the shoes is enough to make you stand out of the crowd. The idea of the design of the shoes is derived from traditional Argentinean alpargata shoes, which are widely used by the local farmers. Due to their immense comfort ability, the brand is using them as their premier design format. On the other hand they are
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the lay person to be cautious on which sites they visit. Wikipedia and WebMD are very popular sites by non-clinical individuals and patients should be reminded these are not reputable sites. I would inform them that gathering information is a good idea however, they should discuss the information they have found with their physicians. They should also be aware the information they choose should be written by knowledgeable authors and should be current (Schmidt & Brown, 2012). References Schmidt
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implementemos ciertas estrategias para sacar a nuestros empleados de esa idea mediocre y muchas veces la capacitación es una parte preponderante del desarrollo de éstos. La capacitación nos sirve para ser competitivos tanto interna como externamente, ya que la competitividad es la capacidad de rentabilidad de la empresa, es decir el mantenernos dentro del mercado de preferencias de nuestros clientes. A mi parecer estas dos ideas van muy de la mano dentro de la organización ya que el éxito o fracaso
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The Delphi Technique: Public Decision Or Public Manipulation? Before deciding on this particular article for . my assignment, .I had not the slightest idea as to what the Delphi Technique was or how it ever managed to cross paths with my eyes and gain enough interest to warrant my full attention but it most certainly did. I will begin by telling you that The Delphi Technique was developed in the 1950s by the Rand Corporation for
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