For 11 years, I found myself a great fit at a company that I was passionate about helping succeed. Nine months ago, that company—a privately held, $42-million, firm—was sold to a much larger competitor, $1.2-billion, 4,200-employee, global competitor. As I started thinking about the cultures of my company and how my personality fit it, I realized that I could not focus on just one company, but rather needed to assess the culture of three organizations: my former company, the buying company, and the
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IKEA IKEA ავეჯის მწარმოებელი შვედური კომპანიაა. სწორი მენეჯერული გათვლების და სტრატეგიის არჩევის საფუძველზე ამ კომპანიამ ერთი პატარა მაღაზიიდან დიდ, მსოფლიო მაშტაბის ქსელამდე მოახერხა გაფართოება. IKEA დაარსდა 1943 წელს 17 წლის ინგვარ კამპარდის მიერ. მან გადაწყვიტა გაეყიდა საყოფაცხოვრებლო ნივთები, რომლებსაც მომხმარებლებს კატალოგის საშუალებით სთავაზობდა. მალე მან დაიწყო მარტო ავეჯის გაყიდვა, რომლის ფასი იქნებოდა ძალიან დაბალი. მან იცოდა, რომ ის ბაზარი, რომელშიც შესვლას აპირებდა იყო ძალიან კონკურენტული
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278 PART 4 | Leading chapter twelve to manage projects, and to make decisions and run the company. For you this has two vital implications: 1. You will be working in and perhaps managing teams. 2. The ability to work in and lead teams is valuable to your employer and important to your career. Fortunately coursework focusing on team training can enhance students’ teamwork knowledge and skills. ■ 3 2 teamwork A national s Cisco Systems has grown, the computer networking giant
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A version of this article appeared in the February 2014 issue of FAST COMPANY magazine. MINTING JULEP: HOW FORMER STARBUCKS EXEC JANE PARK IS REIMAGINING THE BEAUTY BUSINESS JANE PARK LEFT HER HIGH-POWERED JOB AT STARBUCKS TO LAUNCH JULEP, WHERE SHE'S USING HER BEST CUSTOMERS TO HELP IMPROVE THE BEAUTY-PRODUCT BUSINESS. BY TAFFY BRODESSER- AKNER She is reimagining the entire enterprise of selling beauty merchandise to women, from product design to the transaction experience. During her four
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NAOTO FUKASAWA: An Industrial Designer Prepared by Rachelle Angelica Oh Design Formation DSGN 1200 – Design Explorations II Langara College 100 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC Canada V5Y 2Z6 BIOGRAPHY Naoto Fukasawa, a Yamanashi Prefecture Japanese-born industrial designer in 1956, began his life as an emerging designer during his first year at Tama Art University, Tokyo in the late 70s. “People who make others happy through industrial products.” A phrase Fukasawa found in a textbook
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公民社会 | CIVIL SOCIETY Design anD social innovation 设计与社会创新 文 Article > 殷雯婷 Yin Wenting 当我们还在纠结于用设计增加商业产品 附加值时, 许多国家已经将设计应用到社 会创新层面来引领社会趋势, 解决社会 问题。 >由 “重要设计” 推出的 “Neonurture” 婴儿保温箱(图片来源: Design that Matters官方网站) 何谓社会创新? 社会创新(Social Innovation)这一说法, 在 1960年代开始出现, 之后被改革者、 社会学家 等开始讨论。 在21世纪后, 这股风潮已从学术 界吹到了社会, 并开始盛行。 这点我们从政策 决策者的一系列行动中可以看到: 欧盟建立着 重于社会创新的发展策略研究, 美国政府在白 宫建立社会创新办公室。 关 于 社 会 创 新 的 定 义 ,在 欧 洲 委 员 会 (European Commission)的官方网站上将 其定义为 “为更有效地解决社会需求和建立 新的社会关 系或合作的新想法, 这些想法涉 及
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localizado en África del Sur. La compañía tuvo ventas anuales en el 2005 de solo $3 millones, sin embargo con la tecnología Web 2.0 las ventas aumentaron a $10 millones en el 2007 y proyectaban que iban a llegar a $30 millones en el 2010. La compañía ideo una campana de mercadeo llamada “100 Geek Dinners in 100 Days”. Cada cena iba a estar organizada por una persona. La cena se iba a usar para catar vinos por varias docenas de invitados en el Reino Unido y Estados Unidos. La pregunta que se hacían
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Beet: bock, she would face ihe some problems ihat inspired this raove. ln Moine, Buri's Bees would probobly never grow over $3 million in soles, ond Quimby feh it hod potentiol for much more. substonfiolly? Whoi is ihe difference between an ideo ond on opportunify? For whom? Whot con be leqrned from Exhibits C ond D? Roxunne Ouimby 4 Why hos fte compony succeeded so fqr? The Blcck Sheep 5 Whqt should Roxonne snd Burt do, ond why? "l wos o real blqck sheep in my fomily
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Communicating Design Research Knowledge: A Role for Ethnographic Writing Lois Frankel Concordia University & School of Industrial Design, Carleton University, Canada Abstract: The recent use of ethnographic field research methods in design research practice reflects the growing interest of designers in the expressive Design researchers have not, however, exploited ethnographers to report their findings, but instead and cultural im pact of the artifacts they create. the
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1/30/2015 Print web pages, create PDFs Apple’s new strategy /essays/businessstrategy/applesnewstrategy.php In a highly competitive environment such as the computer and technology industry, the structure of an organization needs to balance the benefits of a free and creative workforce all the while employing rigid guidelines to ensure cost control and efficiency. Apple Computer tried to accomplish this grey area of management when they restructured the organization in 1992
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