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    Should The United States Decriminalize Drugs

    John Marron Pace-250 Individual Position Paper Decriminalization of Drugs in Indiana “Two of my favorite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica.” If I asked someone to guess who said the quote above, most people would probably assume it was some kind of musician like Bob Dylan; however, that is a quote from the 16th President of the United States and arguably one of the most successful ones at that, Abraham Lincoln. The negative stigma

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    are Not Enough Shelters for the Homeless Jacob Hogue Sean Smith English 111-61f April 13, 2016(2206) Abstract Department of Housing and Urban Development should allocate enough money to The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority to build enough shelters for homeless people in Indiana to get off the streets. There are all kinds of costs that come along with arresting a homeless person like court costs, booking costs and even paperwork. If enough shelters were built for the homeless

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    Substance Abuse In Starke County

    As you enter the City of Knox a small town in Northwest Indiana the slogan on the welcoming signs reads Welcome to Starke County Indiana, where we create opportunities and deliver on promises. Starke County is made up of towns which include Knox which has an approximate population of 3,622, North Judson with an approximate population of 1,753, and Hamlet with an approximate population of 778 (Indiana Business Research Center, n.d.) . In addition to these three towns, there are three census-designated

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    Fraternities Related Studies and Literature

    Bloomington, Indiana AuthorHouse. edited by Craig LaRon Torbenson, Gregory Parks. ().Brothers and Sisters: Diversity in College Fraternities and Sororities. Eastpark Boulevard Cranbury. Associated University Presses. Brandy Taylor Fink(2010). Disrupting Fraternity Culture: Folklore and the Construction of Violence against women. Boca raton Florida, Universals Publishers. Hank Nuwer (2001)Wrongs of Passage: Fraternities, Sororities, Hazing, and Binge Drinking. Bloomington : Indiana University

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    Healthcare Ecosystems

    VA Northern Indiana Health Care System Stephanie Dubois WGU Indiana Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) is part of the Global War on Terror. The US has sent a lot of soldiers to Afghanistan as a result of the events on September 11, 2001. Some of those soldiers sustained injuries and trauma from incidents while in Afghanistan. When those and many other uninjured sol soldiers were returned to the US, and being released from whichever military branch they had been serving, they were then left

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    Teenage Pregnancy

    Teenage Pregnancy Indiana vs. Kentucky Michell Davis Ivy Tech Community College April 2016 Abstract Teenage pregnancy, was once considered an epidemic in this country. What is it considered today? This research will not only focus on a whole within the United States, but it will attempt to compare and contrast why two neighboring states; Indiana and Kentucky differ so much when it comes to teenage pregnancy. What are some of the causative factors for the difference in numbers between these

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    Data Mining Case Study

    Indiana University Health – A Cerner data warehouse in 90 days - Case Study Name: Goutham Para Provide brief but complete answers. One page maximum (print preview to make sure it does not exceed one-two pages). Q1: Describe the original data warehouse designed for Indiana University

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    Toyota Pest

    TOYOTA PEST AND SWOT     PEST (examined from the perspective of what Toyota will do for Indiana as well as the vice versa)   Political Toyota had a lot of help from the local government, including tax breaks.  on the flip side, Toyota is expected to 'sell' Indiana and its assets to the world. U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar commented on Toyota producing Camrys in Indiana:   I applaud Governor Daniels and the Indiana legislature and all who are working together. First of all, to provide support for the

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    Rx Prescriptive Authority

    cut and paste from any web site. 1. What state do you plan to practice in? Indiana 2. What information and documents are required in order to apply / obtain prescriptive authority in your state as an APN? (Be specific) ALL APPLICANTS must mail a completed application along with the items listed below to the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency. You must hold an active, valid registered nurse license in Indiana or another state to be eligible for prescriptive authority. The application

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    Walsh’s Juice Company

    transportation cost from each vineyard to each plant, and the processing cost for each product in each plant. By using linear programming , we can get that Walsh’s Juice Company should deliver 1,400 tons of unprocessed juice from New York vineyard to Indiana plant, 1,100 tons from Pennsylvania vineyard to Michigan plant, 500 tons from Ohio vineyard to Virginia plant, 1,400 tons from Ohio vineyard to Tennessee plant. And they should produce 1,200 tons of juice, 900 tons of concentrate, 700 tons of jelly

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