Infant Poison

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    Chlorine Research Paper

    Chemical attacks are far more likely to occur over nuclear and biological attacks. Chemicals are much easier to purchase and produce and are often readily available in a grocery store. For this week’s assignment, I have chosen Chlorine as a chemical weapon of choice. This element is easily found in any store that sells pool-cleaning supplies. It has an odor similar to bleach and has similar cleaning effects. Chlorine’s mechanism of injury to the human body is acute repertory failure. A human will

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    Tetrahydrozoline Case Study

    Not all poisoning attempts have to be done using the well-known, flashy poisons like arsenic or cyanide though, and in fact a case could be made that this is a good thing for those intending to perform a homicide. In some cases, simple over the counter drugs will suffice. More and more frequently murder attempts have been made with an unexpected weapon: tetrahydrozoline, a compound found in many eye drops, including Visine. Many would-be murderers will put anywhere from a few drops to whole bottles

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    mouth that produce very poisonous substance and its even worst through their bites. The seriousness or extend of the poison depends on various factors. One is the body tissue where the venom is injected. It’s more serious when the poison is injected directly to the blood vessels meaning it spreads very quickly through blood transmission in the rest of the body. The extent of the poison also depends on the part of the body where the snake bites. Snake bites that occur on parts of the body with a lot

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    Bioterrorism Agents

    | ANTHRAX | IONIZING RADIATION | SARIN GAS | Pathophysiologicactions | Caused by Bacillus Centhracis bacteria. 3 ways of contact, cutaneous, ingesting, inhalation. Inhalation is the most deadly. Inhaled spores produce toxins within the lungs and lymph system. | Causes | Inhibits the breakdown of the enzyme acetylcholinesterace. It over stimulates the parasympathetic nerves in smooth muscle | | | | | Signs and Symptoms | Cutaneous- bumps, blisters with black centersGI- nausea, vomiting

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    Harmulness of Pesticides N Infants

    food crops to protect them from insects. Lawn and garden products, like weed killer. Grass in public spaces, like parks, may be treated with pesticides to keep bugs away and weeds from growing. Pet products, like flea and tick shampoo Rodent poisons, like mouse or rat bait How can pesticides affect your baby’s health? Pesticides are more dangerous for babies and children than adults because their bodies are still developing. Some research shows that exposure to pesticides as a baby may

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    Environmental Toxicology Paper

    Environmental Toxicology Paper ENV/410 Environmental Toxicology Paper I will first explain the difference between toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics. Toxicants interact with living organisms in a series of five time-dependent processes. The study of these processes is called toxicokinetics. These processes are absorption, distribution storage, biotransformation and elimination. There are unique cellular effects within the organism when they come in contact with the toxicant. Toxicodynamics is

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    Environmental Hazard

    Environmental Hazards Tammy Winfrey 12/14/2014 Robert Davie   A toxicant is any chemical that can injure or kill humans, animals or plants; a poison. A toxicant is usually used when referring to a toxic substance that is produced by, or a by-product of, man-made activities. Small amounts of chemical exposure (especially at vulnerable developmental stages) can have long term health impacts. Chemicals, such as heavy metals, Dioxin, and Bisphenol A; have been linked to cancer, developmental

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    Blood Agents

    Blood agents are poisons that act on the body by being consumed into the blood ( There are three known blood agents as identified by the Center for Disease Control: Arsine (SA), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Cyanide, and Sodium monofluoroacetate (compound 1080). I will attempt to discuss in detail how each blood agent enters the body and effects the human body. Blood agents extract from its effect on exposed victims. Blood agents generally enters the body by

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    Cyanide Research Paper

    is a poison that halts cellular respiration by inhibiting an enzyme in the mitochondria. It is a poison, that is unmistakable. If a person wanted to murder someone in a dramatic way and wanted someone to die fast cyanide would be the poison of choice for a murder. Arsenic is a poison that is a tasteless, odorless compound, that is commonly mistaken as food poisoning. Therefore if a person wanted to commit an act of murder and not get caught, arsenic would be a better choice. Cyanide is poison that

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    Toxins and Hidden Dangers in Toys

    Many parents have often wondered about children’s toys. Many of the popular toys contain toxins or hidden dangers that can harm children, and can cause disorders. What types of toys are harmful to our children? Are they bad enough to in fact take them all away and buy new ones? Are we just overreacting? There are in fact a large number of different toxins that are put in toys when they are made. One in three toys have harmful toxins in them. Phthalates is one of those toxins. Phthalates is used

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