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Cyanide Research Paper

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Cyanide is a poison that halts cellular respiration by inhibiting an enzyme in the mitochondria. It is a poison, that is unmistakable. If a person wanted to murder someone in a dramatic way and wanted someone to die fast cyanide would be the poison of choice for a murder. Arsenic is a poison that is a tasteless, odorless compound, that is commonly mistaken as food poisoning. Therefore if a person wanted to commit an act of murder and not get caught, arsenic would be a better choice. Cyanide is poison that is very easy to find. It can even be found in apple seeds and apricot seeds. It is found in a crystalline compound and also exists as a gas. Cyanide is made by using fairly common chemicals, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen, but it is still …show more content…
At one point in time it was used as an attempted treatment for syphilis. In the 18th and 19th centuries it was commonly used as rat poison, but rats were not the only ones dying because of it. Arsenic is even easier to use to murder someone by putting it into his or her drink because it is water soluble, this means it dissolves in water and will become completely invisible. It also has a harmless appearance looking similar to sugar. Arsenic can be found naturally in many minerals. It was mined for many centuries by early civilizations. It is most often found in the minerals arsenopyrite, orpiment, and realgar. By heating the minerals, a person could extract the arsenic. Just like cyanide, arsenic can poison someone who inhales or ingests it. In the case of murder, they would have to ingest it, because inhaling the cyanide does not get enough poison in the body to cause death except over a very long period of time, even years. The symptoms of cyanide poisoning appear slowly. At first a person will have diarrhea, confusion, headaches, and drowsiness. This is why arsenic poisoning is easily mistaken for food poisoning. As the poisoning becomes more serious, new symptoms will develop including, convulsions, cramping muscles, bloody urine, hair loss, and bad stomach pains. Organs such as lungs, skin, liver, and kidneys, will be affected by the cyanide and begin to fail, causing coma and death. Even though there is a

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