Integumentary Disorders Anatomy of the skin The skin consists of 3 layers: 1. Epidermis- non vascular outermost layer, continuously dividing cells 2. Dermis- takes the largest portion of the skin and provides strength and structure. It consists of glands (sebaceous, sweat), hair follicle, blood vessels, and nerve endings 3. Subcutaneous tissue (hypodermis)- the inner most layer. contains major vascular networks, fat, nerves, and lymphatics Function of the skin • Protection- protection
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long grassy areas. One of those reasons is the organism Rickettsia Rickettsii, which is carried by dog ticks. This organism caused Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. An infected tick carries the pathogen, which then if it attaches to a host (human) the infection can be transmitted. It spreads through the bloodstream and lymphatic system, causing the incubation time to be between three to twelve days. It is a very fatal illness if not detected, and treated right away. If you were to be bitten by a tick
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Modern medicine provides people with the ability to protect themselves from the world’s most fatal diseases. Merely a century ago, it was not uncommon for a child to die as a result of diseases such as polio, pertussis, and tuberculosis. Today, it is highly unlikely for a person to contract these diseases, let alone die from them. However, refusal of vaccinations has been increasing throughout the years due to the anti-vaccination movement. This movement declares mandatory vaccines unconstitutional
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one of the nation’s leading health care acquired infections. C. diff infections occur when someone is exposed to the pathogen while receiving antibiotic treatment for some other illness. Antibiotics suppress the normal bacteria in the colon, allowing C. diff to flourish, producing toxins that cause severe diarrhea.”1 While, the thought of severe diarrhea may just sound unfortunate, the staggering number of people infected, and die from this infection is not only surprising but also frightening. The
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the United States per year are at least $8.4 billion (Gunn, Greenspan, Seidman & Wasserheit, 1998). In addition to the cost of the American people there is a high human cost in terms of pain, suffering and grief. While some diseases are bacterial infections that are curable, some are lifelong, incurable diseases. Healthy People 2010 have set goals towards promoting responsible sexual behaviors, strengthening community capacity, and increasing access to quality services to prevent
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disease causing agent is often referred to as a pathogen. A pathogen, such as a virus or a strain of bacteria can enter the body and cause a host of symptoms. Many times, these symptoms collectively indicate the presence of a type of disease and/or infection. Two types of agents are viruses and bacteria. Viruses are the most commonly known disease-causing agent. Friedl (2014), “They cause colds, the flu, HIV, meningitis, polio, chicken pox, rabies, West Nile, and a number of other diseases. Viruses themselves
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Strep Throat is an infection of the back of the throat including the tonsils. Common symptoms include fever, sore throat, red tonsils, and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. Caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes, spread through airborne droplets when someone with the infection coughs or sneezes, or through shared food or drinks. Treated with Oral antibiotics. The only prevention is to not share food and drinks, napkins, handkerchiefs, or towels because infection may spread by these objects
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field) or if the faeces from an infected person are used as fertilizer, eggs are deposited on soil. They can then mature and hatch, releasing larvae (immature worms). The larvae mature into a form that can penetrate the skin of humans. Hookworm infection is transmitted primarily by walking barefoot on contaminated soil. One kind of hookworm (Anclostoma duodenale) can also be transmitted through the ingestion of larvae. Itching and a localized rash are often
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Dr. W. Ian Lipkin who administers the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University states that he wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a big rise in A.D.H.D., autism, epilepsy, and schizophrenia, he says “We’re looking at a large group of individuals who may not be able to function in the world.”
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Infectious Diseases: The Greatest Crisis of the world ____________ A Thesis Presented to The Division of The Arts and Sciences Voorhees College ____________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science ____________ Acknowledgements I am whole-heartily thankful to my Professors at Voorhees College for their tremendous effort in my maturilication through Voorhees College. Lastly I would like to acknowledge all of the
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