INTRODUCTION In this age of rapidly changing business environment, many organisations and business houses faces a constant pressure to continuously adapt and redefine their business process. One of the key processes in doing business whether big or small ranging from small grocery store to a big retail chain is the supply chain process. With the increase in exposure of the companies to the global environment, liberal trade policies, business partnerships and virtual proximity between any two locations
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HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVES PPC PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL Resource Person B.S.Subrahmanian 0 HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVES PPC Overview Production-Planning Hierarchy Aggregate Planning Master Production Scheduling Production-Planning and Control Systems 1 HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVES PPC Capacity Planning, Aggregate Planning, Master Schedule, and ShortTerm Scheduling Capacity Planning 1. Facility
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Company Background and History In 1995, to reduce cost and increase efficiency, Ford 2000 was developed to reengineer company processes including Order to Delivery (OTD) and Ford Production System (FPS) with a primary strategic goal of decreasing OTD from 60+ days to less than 15. A company-wide Intranet was launched in 1996 and expanded to include business-to-business (B2B) capacity by January 1997 including the Automotive Network Exchange (ANX) and the public Internet site went live in
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business to his son, Jim Reed II. In 1981, Jim decided to expand retail floor space and acquired an $880,000 long-term mortgage debt. During this time, Jim increased inventories with the belief that higher inventories led to higher sales. In 1994, the business had grown to more than $2 million in sales. The increased inventories, along with the acquired mortgage payments have seriously eroded Reed’s positive cash flow. During the last year, Reed had slowly increased his line of credit at the
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E. AUDIT EVIDENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Use of Assertions by Auditor Audit Procedures The Audit of Specific Items Audit Sampling and Other means of Testing Computer-Assisted Audit Techniques Not-for-Profit Organisations The Use of Assertions by Auditor What are substantive procedures? Substantive procedures are tests to obtain audit evidence to detect material misstatements in the financial statements. Substantive procedures generally include analytical procedures and test
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Case Study – International Paper Company I. Company Profile and Analyses of Industry International Paper Company (IP) is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of paper and paper products. Their products include a wide variety of paper products, consumer packaging materials, industrial packaging materials, and pulp products. In addition, IP collects and recycles recovered paper. History IP began in 1898 as a merger of 17 pulp and paper mills from Massachusetts to New York. IP led the newsprint
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products for which materials requirement planning technique would be suitable than economic order quantities and explain why? 3. What do you understand from Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)? What are its advantages over conventional tools of inventory planning? Which types of industries have use of this technique ? 4. Why should purchase department participate in product development ? Explain to what extent it is practiced in Indian Industry ? 5. Describe the procedure to be followed for
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Introduction Basically, the study is on the differences of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) influence in property management industry. The study focuses on two basic accounting principles in valuing assets, which are fair value and historical cost. The property refers to the land and building, as those are the main part of total fixed assets of a company. Asset is the most important element in the balance sheet, hence the method used for assets valuation is very important to avoid over or under
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is usually worth no more than the replacement cost of its assets. Only in the presen ce of sustainable competitive advantage would it be possible to value a firm on the basis of its earning power. Retailing is an industry that is characterized by intense competition with few competitive advantages of any kind. However, Walmart has been abl e to develop significant competitive advantage via several strategies and its relative heft. 1. Low cost distributor and merchandiser of basic goods
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of Merloni Group * Decentralized operations, plants for single product lines * Exports comprised 60% of total revenue of 626 billion lire in 1984 * Urban retail customers with high volumes used to keep some inventory. Small and rural retailers did not have much inventory and relied on company’s warehouses for fulfillment. * Delivery could be delayed to problems like those of over demand, production issues and climate conditions. * Direct supply for built in products to architects
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