It Guiding Principles

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    Marketin Strategies for an Engineering Course

    Marketing approaches – Archi and Building courses Guiding principles 1. Maximum impact with minimum resources a. Utilise social media b. Promotional videos c. Utilise alumni (current and past students) 2. Minimise own costs d. Sponsorship e. Joint events with non-competitors/synergies with professional bodies f. Promote in conjunction with conference attendance, especially local g. Everyone to become an ambassador h. Other ideas

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    What Was Lao-Tsu's View Regarding Government?

    Chinese civilization contrast with the traditional Chinese views? A: Confucius' blueprint for Chinese civilization contrasted with the traditional Chinese views in terms of religion. In terms of religion, Confucius addressed the traditional Chinese principles

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    Okapply the Ethical Decision Making Method at Small Unit Level

    Training and Evaluation Guide Performance Steps: 1. Clearly define the ethical problem. 2. Employ applicable laws and regulations. 3. Reflect on the ethical values and their ramifications. 4. Consider other applicable moral principles. 5. Commit to and implement the best ethical solution. 6. Assess results and modify plan as required. Performance Evaluation Guide Evaluation Preparation: Provide soldier with references listed below. Prepare a scenario that requires

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    Human Resource

    Employees are treated with honor and have an important role within an organization because of their strategic merits earned. Stakeholders are defined by the business pertaining to a strategic person’s roll, such as an HR’s roll. Without HR’s and managerial employees organizations would seize to exist. An organization is then committed in company employee relation to uphold respect and have a clear understanding of company policies and procedures thoroughly and accurately. With high demands for well

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    Qantas Airlines Case Study

    destinations and employed more than 28,000 employees (Qantas Airways Limited 2010, 1) , we Qantas believe that we held responsibility in incorporating society and stakeholders’ welfares into our business operation. Besides, we are committed to be the guiding aviation industry in environmental sustainability (Qantas Airways Limited 2015, 3). We are liable in inspire, motivate and educate our people, shareholders, customers, and suppliers for taking part in conserving our environment (Qantas Airways Limited

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    Tonya, Kindergarten Case Study

    Children’s development is usually a natural and effortless progression. Biologically children are born, they develop, and they grow but sometimes their growth and development is sidetracked and this interruption causes physical, social/emotional, and cognitive issues that if they are not addressed early can be problematic for a child for his whole life. Using a case study about Tonya who is an eight year old child in the first grade who is having some difficulties with school and with

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    Friedman vs. Drucker

    Friedman vs. Drucker The fundamental goal of any business, whether private or public, is to be profitable, and profitability relates to greater returns to the shareholders. Even in the non-profit segment of the business arena, a healthy bottom line ensures that the company can continue to operate and meet the needs and demands of its clients. The leaders of businesses and organizations are groomed or recruited for their positions because of an innate ability to provide successful business results

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    Accounting Standards Board

    ability to prepare financial statements (Schroeder, 2011). This was just the beginning of the accounting profession. It has evolved to include many governing entities. One of the first was the Committee on Accounting Procedures, then the Accounting Principles Board, the Wheat Committee, Trueblood Committee and to where we are now, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). With the wide array of business relationships that we have developed in today’s time, the international business world has

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    Development of Accounting Theory Based on Islamic Teachings

    org Development of Accounting Theory Based on Islamic Teachings: A Glance over Principle of Al-Adl and Al-Ihsan Shaukat Amer1* Sofri Bin Yahya2 1- COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Kamra Road, Attock, Pakistan. 2- Dean, Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia *E-mail of the corresponding author: Abstract The beauty of accounting based on Islamic principles is that it not only deals with the valuation but also deals with an inbuilt accountability

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    Faith and Healthcare Services

    FAITH AND PHOLOPHIES OF DIFFERENT RELIGIONS TOWARDS HEALTH CARE The problem of respecting the patients’ religious based decisions is playing an increasingly important role in medical practices probably because bioethical standards accentuate the principle of the respect for autonomy (the departure from medical paternalism) and the contacts between people belonging to different religious traditions are becoming more and more frequent because of globalization. (Silesian Medical University [SMU], 2006)

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