Constitution, the Federal Court shall consist of the Chief Justice, the President of the Court of Appeal, the two Chief Judges of the two High Courts and seven other judges. Appointment of Judges Article 122B of the Federal Constitution provides for the appointment of the Chief Justice, the President of the Court of Appeal, the Chief Judges of the High Courts and the other judges of the Federal Court by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister, after
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Guidelines for You are the Judge Papers These are the guidelines for the You Are the Judge papers. Remember that each paper is worth up to 100 points and the information can come from any portion of the textbook, not just your currently assigned reading. The minimum length of the papers will be three double‐spaced pages. The maximum length of the papers will be seven double‐spaced pages. The required three papers will be prepared by the student using the following format (any other formats
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competent jurisdiction, the scenario usually is, that a long time is taken to serve the process, the defendants beat the law and submit their written statement/s after a long delay beyond the permissible statutory period of two months, lawyers and judges do not take any interest in screening out a false and frivolous case at the first hearing of the case under Order X CPC (in fact no such first hearing takes place), they seldom try to shorten the disputed questions of fact and law by application of
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William Wayne Justice (February 25, 1920 – October 13, 2009) was a U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Texas. During his forty years on the bench, William Wayne Justice was an instrument of change. His institutional reform decisions impacted the First Amendment, voting rights, education of undocumented children and prison reform. The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas is comprised of seven divisions across a forty-three county sprawl. The divisions are named after
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THE CRIMINAL DEFENDANT Holly Mccullough AIU Online Abstract CRIMINAL JUSTICE DEFENDANT Police officers find, seek and arrest criminals. Police officers have the power to arrest and imprison suspects. Certain police officers are assigned in different departments throughout law enforcement and some are also trained in special ways to investigate special crimes of fraud, rape, murder or drug trafficking also missing persons. Police officers can also be responsible for the detection and
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Question 1: Explain the maxim “Equity follows the law”. Meaning Equity: An English law that was developed hundreds or years ago, this law was created as people would complain to the king that the common law was harsh and prevented justice from prevailing. Equity is constructed on a judicial estimate of fairness as opposed to the inflexible and harsh rules of the common law. When finding a solution to an issue or problem in equity, the court of equity will first always seek the legal position
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was the proximate cause of the crash and Mr. White’s death. This chain of causation can be broken (interrupted) by a criminal act on the part of Mr. Hard. In a real-life trial court, this type of argument would be presented to one trial court judge. Here, a panel of
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Several of the closest witnesses to the crime were not able to identify Sacco. I feel like the Defendants Lawyer did make it a point that Sacco and Vanzetti were innocent and were accused of it because of Italian-Prejudice and i also believe that the judge of the case was bias to Italians. I like how the Defendants Lawyer got “Witnesses” up on the podium so they can talk in front of the jury on how they supposedly seen Sacco lean out of the car and shoot the security guard but they were 70 feet away
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system. The judicial system consists of participants who have specialized roles that are associated with the courtroom. There are 10 basic roles that the participants play which include; judge, prosecutor, defense counsel, bailiff, court reporter, clerk of the court, witness, jury, defendant, and spectators. The judge has the ultimate authority in the courtroom, and is used to protect both the rights of the accused, and the best interest of the public. Courtroom participation is an important aspect
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ethical responsibility of every attorney that he provides for his client zealous representation during civil litigation yet other have often argued for the need of attorneys to be bound to an even higher responsibility, namely that they should assist judges and jurors in determining the truth during a judicial proceeding, irrespective of the clients need for proper defense. Thus, debates have often been held on issues such as the lawyer’s duty to reveal the truth, the advocate’s role in an adversary
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