Judicial Precedent

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    Maritime Liens in the Conflict of Laws

    MARITIME LIENS IN THE CONFLICT OF LAWS (final version published in J.A.R. Nafziger & Symeon C. Symeonides, eds., Law and Justice in a Multistate World: Essays in Honor of Arthur T. von Mehren, Transnational Publishers Inc., Ardsley, N. Y. 2002 at pp. 439-457) Prof. William Tetley, Q.C.* INDEX I. II. Preface - Homage to Arthur T. von Mehren Introduction - Maritime Liens 1) 2) III. Civilian origins of maritime liens Characteristics of maritime liens Maritime Liens as Sources of Conflicts of

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    Broken Government

    ES 213 Macroeconomics Broken Government John W. Dean’s book, Broken Government: How Republican Rule Destroyed the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches, perfectly explains how today’s current state of government is in shambles. The blame cannot be harbored on the shoulders of one individual, rather the repeated actions of decades of GOP and ultra-conservative politicians. Their actions have questioned the relevance of the Constitution of the United States and the entire framework of the

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    Obergefell V. Hodges Alcorn Case Summary

    Obergefell v. Hodges Alcorn, 3 Obergefell v. Hodges: Right to Privacy Amy Alcorn Liberty High School 3AB AP Government Obergefell v. Hodges was a case that brought much controversy within 2015. It pertained to the idea that states bans on same gender marriage were unconstitutional. The case helped decide that under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment, the right to marriage applies to not only heterosexual couples, but same sex ones as well (ITT Chicago-Kent College

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    Common Law Livre 1

    INTRODUCTION  AU     DROIT  ET  AUX  INSTITUTIONS     ANGLO-­‐AMERICAINS   1-­‐     Les   systèmes   anglais   et   américain   de   droit   (systèmes   de   Common   Law)     visent   aux   mêmes   buts   que   les   droits   de   la   famille   civiliste   ou   romaniste   (droits   français,   italien,   espagnol,   allemand,   etc   ...):   résoudre   les

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    Criminal Justice

    Notes For Criminal Justice (Unit 1) Muse: What lies ahead for the criminal justice system? We cannot say for sure. Some of the coming changes are now discernible. A few of the more obvious changes include: 1. a restructuring of the juvenile justice system due to increasing violent juvenile crime and youth gang warfare; 2. the increased bankruptcy of a “war against drugs” whose promises seem increasingly hollow; 3. a growing recognition of America’s international role as both victim

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    Introduction According to Macmillan online Dictionary Equity is a legal system for obtaining a fair result when existing laws do nor provide a solution.(*1).”What is equity and why does the English legal system recognize a body of rules known as equity and maxims of Equity are the major topics I am dealing with in this project. The word ‘equity’ is susceptible to a number of different meanings. In one sense the word means what is ‘fair and just’ and is, therefore, undistinguishable from the general

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    Legal Systems

    In a religious legal system disputes are usually adjudicated by an officer of that religion, so the same person is both judge and priest. In a secular system, by contrast, the office of judge is separate, and is often reinforced by guarantees of judicial independence. A further difference lies in the enforcement of the laws: in a secular

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    Case note by Silent Assassins State of Gujarat V Mirzapur Moti Kureshi Kassab Jannat and others Court: Hon’ble Supreme Court of India Date: 26 October 2005 Bench: R.C. Lahoti, C.J.I., B.N. Agarwal, Arun Kumar, G.P. Mathur, C.K. Thakker, P.K. Balasubramanyam, JJ and A.K. Mathur. Introduction This is a case challenging certain amendments introduced in section 5 of Bombay animal preservation act, 1954(as applicable to the state of Gujarat). It’s a public interest

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    Business Law

    Interactive Quiz for Modern-1e, Chapter 1 Chapter 1 — The Legal Environment 1. One of the oldest and most significant schools of jurisprudential thought is: a. the administrative law school. b. the environmental law school. c. the legal realists. d. the natural law school. Answers: a. Incorrect. Administrative law is a body of law consisting of the rules, orders and decisions of administrative agencies. It is not a school of jurisprudential thought

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    Role and Functions of Law

    for the action, conduct, or behavior prescribed by a controlling power of authority with legal binding force (Black’s Law Dictionary, 2013). Law can also take the form of a written code arranged and prescribed by an elected legislative body of judicial decisions, and actions of government agencies. In American law, the current state of law concern itself with common characteristics that create duties, obligations, and rights reflecting acceptable views of a given society (Melvin, 2011).

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