“To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, is an immensely heart-wrenching and thought-provoking novel. The novel is narrated by “Scout” Finch, and includes stories about her life with her brother Jem and friend Dill. Through the eyes of these children, we learn about profound topics such as racism, justice, prejudice and social inequality. I loved this book. Although it was agonizing to learn about justice and equality, it was important to learn how the implementation of these themes had a massive
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SUMMARY of the extract from the novel "To Kill the Mockingbird" by Harper Lee In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" the scene is laid in a small American town in Alabama. The given extract depicts a trial of Tom Robinson, a coloured man, who is in the criminal dock on a capital charge of assaulting a white girl. His defending counsel Atticus Finch is an experienced lawyer and a progressive-minded man known for his humane views. His taking up the case was an act of courage in the American world of
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fate. Some of them may be objects, while some may be things that cannot be seen but are no less important. Early in the novel, the children find a mysterious shiny package in the knothole of a live oak tree (p. 34). What gifts are given in To Kill a Mockingbird? Why might they be important to the unfolding of the story? 4. The Radley place undergoes a change in the course of the novel. At the beginning, we are told, “Inside the house lived a malevolent phantom” (p. 8). By the end, Scout fearlessly
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In this essay I will introduce you to the two main characters in Harper Lee's book "To kill a mockingbird", comparing them in their attitudes and actions. Atticus Finch is a single father raising two children in the small town of Maycomb, Alabama. Atticus works as a lawyer believing in equal justice for all Americans regardless of race or religion. Bob Ewell is also a single father raising eight children who also lives in Maycomb. Bob is unemployed collecting welfare who believes in racial segregation
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The sub-style is emotive prose. The biggest part of the text is the finest example of oratorical style. The extract is taken from the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird”. The author of the novel is Harper Lee. She is an American writer. She was born in 1926 in the state of Alabama. In 1945-1949 she studied law at the University of Alabama. “To Kill a Mockingbird” is her first novel. It received almost unanimous critical acclaim and the Pulitzer Prize. In this book the author paints a true and lively picture
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“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”(30) This is a lesson that Atticus Finch, from Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, emphasized to his children, teaching them to view the world from another’s perspective before judging them. Atticus displays this quality of human tolerance towards his neighbors although he could have strong reasons to dislike them. He also familiarizes his children with this
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The story under analysis is the excerpt from the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, that’s why it has not a special title. The title of the whole book is thought-provoking and idiomatic; it makes the reader wonder what a Mockingbird is and who is supposed to kill it. The subject matter of the story is racial discrimination, corruption of the court system in the American world of prejudice. This extract depicts a trial of Tom Robinson, a Negro, who is in the criminal dock on a capital charge
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In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird there were three unique families. The Ewells were poor and choose to live like animals. The Cunninghams were hardworking and only took what they could repay. The Finches were respected by all citizens in Maycomb and lived their life according to a definite code of values. This being said, the Ewells, Cunninghams and the Finches were three distinctly different families with differing code of values. Unquestionably, the Ewells were a filthy poor family that did
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\To Kill a Mocking Bird To Kill a Mockingbird is pretty much about growing up during racial times in the 1930s in Alabama (Southern part of the United States). It covers three year where the main characters undergo many changes. Scout Finch lives with her brother Jem and their father Atticus in the fictitious town of Maycomb, Alabama. Maycomb is a small, everybody knows everybody kind of town, and every family has its own social status depending on which part of town they’re from, who their parents
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talk Heck Tate, the sheriff, out of calling the death an accident—Atticus’s standards are firm, and he does not want his son to have unfair protection from the law. 2. Analyze the trial scene and its relationship to the rest of the novel. To Kill a Mockingbird explores the questions of innocence and harsh experience, good and evil, from several different angles. Tom Robinson’s trial explores these ideas by examining the evil of racial prejudice, its ability to poison an otherwise admirable Southern
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