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    Latest World Events That Are Shaping Today’s Business World and the Importance of Gathering Information Accurately:

    I will discuss this topic in regard of two journal articles that I read on El Nuevo Día newspaper website. The article’s names are “Nueva alternativa para la publicidad” (New Alternative for the Publicity) and Shop.pr llega con la Oferta del Día (Shop.pr arrive with the day’s sale). I selected these two articles because both evidenced that marketing had driven an important part of it sales force to computerize systems, such as smartphones, destktops, etc. This turnover has been necessary for marketers

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    Brand Building

    On the other hand, brand insistence occurs when always purchase one brand over another brand, for example, I like to purchase Johnsonville brats compared to Kroger of Farm Fresh brats. Brand equity is the value of the brand to its current owner; Kotler and Keller (2013) states that brand equity can arise based on consumer responses (p. 244) which adds value to the brand. Brand equity always lies with the consumer because of what was read, heard, or learned about a product. Brand equity even covers

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    History of Marketing

    ------------------------------------------------- Societal marketing From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The societal marketing is a marketing concept that holds that a company should make marketing decisions by considering consumers' wants, the company's requirements, and society's long-term interests. The social marketing concept holds that the organization’s task is to determine the needs, wants, and interests of a target market and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and

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    Classic Airlines

    Classic Airlines and Marketing Mercadeo envuelve la satisfacción de lo que necesitan y quieren los consumidores (Kotler & Keller, 2006). Las industrias, permanecen en una competencia constante con las compañías que ofrecen productos iguales o similares. La pregunta clave es ¿Qué hace uno mejor que otro? Las estrategias de mercadeo eficaces, ayudan a las empresas a estar más adelante que sus competidores, tanto en ventas como en retener clientes. En el escenario de Classic Airlines, el equipo

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    The impacts of E-commence on international business and marketing: A literature review Name student: Tao Yi Student number: 1192930 Course name: Master thesis international track Course code: 2012-191880750-1A Assessor: Assistant Prof. Dr. E. Constantinides and Dr. Huub J.M. Ruel Hand in date: 15-09-2012 E-commerce and Web 2.0: An intensive literature review on their impacts on international business and marketing Table of content Managerial summary ...................................

    Words: 21450 - Pages: 86

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    particularly renowned for its classifieds section. PRICE Price is simply defined as a quantitative expression of the value of a particular product to a particular audience. E.g. How much will we charge for the product? How much will customers pay? Kotler (2009). FT adopts premium pricing strategy which means setting a higher price for the product reflecting the elitism of the product. FT paper cost £2.50, however with the target segment being of higher class price isn’t of concern as information is

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    Consumer Behaviour

    Chapter 2 Consumer Behaviour 2.1 Introduction “The consumer, so it is said, is the king… each is a voter who uses his money as votes to get the things done that he wants done” [Samuelson in Oxford Dictionary of 20th Century Quotations, 2000:274]. There is no question about it – consumers are paramount to the economy. All marketing decisions are based on assumptions about consumer behaviour [Hawkins et al., 2001:8, Mulkern, 2001:126; and Labbe, 2000:38]. In order to create value for consumers

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    Integration of Faith and Learning Ii: Joshual 1:9

    are stronger than my God. When we look at the definition of Marketing management, “the art and science of choosing target markets and getting keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value” (Kotler & Keller, 2013) we see the focus is on selling and/or maintaining brand loyalty for your product which is not always an easy thing to do. In order to be effective in marketing management you must have courage, that same courage that God spoke

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    Atribut Produk

    Perilaku konsumen memberikan informasi mengenai berbagai fakta tentang perilaku berbelanja, misalnya dalam membeli suatu produk para konsumen memiliki berbagai sikap yang berbeda-beda dalam memandang berbagai atribut yang dianggap relevan dan penting (Kotler, 2005, hal.226). A. ANALISIS PENGARUH ATRIBUT PRODUK TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PADA RESTORAN FAST FOOD (CEPAT SAJI) DI MALANG (Studi Kasus Pada McDonald’s Cabang Dinoyo Malang) Proposal Penelitian Diajukan Sebagai Salah Satu Syarat Untuk Memperoleh

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    Mass Marketing Is Diminishing

    consumer’s endless access to information, thus changing their purchasing behavior. Consumers are able to become more knowledgeable about products than ever before. Marketing efforts need to be adjusted to appeal to Internet users. According to Kotler and Keller (2012), “The widespread usage of the Internet allows marketers to abandon the mass market practices that built brand powerhouses in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s” (p. 135). Then once the smartphone was developed this allowed information

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