Leadership Perspectives

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    Leadership…changing over the years. The study of leadership and its styles over the years has proven to be quite a challenge owing to its abstract nature and differences in perception, making an objective discourse rather difficult. Over the years, different researchers have come up with models of their own, as they attempted to explain leadership and the various roles it encompasses. It is therefore a fruitful approach to first consider the major theories on the topic. This would help us better

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    Good Leader

    A good leader is one who is able to engage members and get results. A great leader is one who listens to and empowers members to be innovative in looking beyond the present, to guide the path to strategic positioning, and places a premium on collaborative goal setting. A great leader is humble.  They really understand that their job is to focus on the goal and not on themselves.  Good leaders often compete for credit with the results in order to gain more influence or authority.   "To lead people

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    Ob Midterm

    path-goal theory, leader behavior influences employee perceptions of expectancies between employee effort and performance. If my employees are skilled and experienced customer service representatives who perform non-routine tasks, the most appropriate leadership styles are participative and achievement-oriented because they are capable and confident enough to handle their jobs such as solving unique customer problems or special needs with the company’s tasks even without further directions from leader.

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    EFFECTIVE TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ACROSS CULTURES: THE ROLE OF CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE Dr. Alexi Matveev College of Staten Island New York, NY, USA Dr. Elena Lvina Concordia University Montreal, Quebec, Canada Abstract New theoretical frameworks are needed to better understand effective transformational leadership in different cultural contexts. In this article we illustrate the relationship between transformational leadership and the cross-cultural communication

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    EFFECTIVE TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP ACROSS CULTURES: THE ROLE OF CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE Dr. Alexi Matveev College of Staten Island New York, NY, USA Dr. Elena Lvina Concordia University Montreal, Quebec, Canada Abstract New theoretical frameworks are needed to better understand effective transformational leadership in different cultural contexts. In this article we illustrate the relationship between transformational leadership and the cross-cultural communication

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    Leadership in an organization is probably one of the most underappreciated things that companies take for granted. Leaders do not simply grow on trees and they are not easy to find. Many people believe that leading is the same as managing and that is simply not the case. The two are very different and each affect the company in different ways. Having effective leadership in an organization can lead to many positive things including more efficient and productive workers. Leadership is the process

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    Lisa Benton Case Analysis

    Lisa Benton Case Analysis Introduction Effective leadership creates successful teamwork; it’s the formula that every leader must understand in order to win in the 21st century. The relationship between the effectiveness of an individual as a leader and the creation of successful teamwork becomes the secret of a successful business. Effective leaders understand more than ever the importance of teamwork in the corporate organization and how the concept can impact every winning element of the organization

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    Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

    I. Part 2: Overview of Relevant Literature This section reviews recent literature about Emotional Intelligence and the theories that connect certain emotional aspects, personality traits, behaviours and preferences with leadership styles and leadership effectiveness. Recent literature Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a term that was created by Salavoy and Mayer and was defined as: “a type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and others' emotions, to discriminate

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    Leadership Style at Nike

    ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR LEADERSHIP CONUNDRUM: NIKE AFTER KNIGHT Prepared by Narendra Hirani Registration Number MBA/2443/12 April 2012 1a) Discuss and evaluate the appropriateness of the leadership style adopted by Phil Knight. Philip Knight’s leadership style can be analysed using the various leadership theories that have been developed. Their appropriateness can be evaluated based on the information available in the case study. Rensis Liekert developed four systems of leadership, exploitative autocratic

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    Question Paper

    Section A: Short Answer Questions (total 15 marks) Answer all SIX (6) of the following questions (see individual questions for mark and word allocations). Question 1A. Select ONE concept in the theory of organisational culture and discuss how it informs what went wrong at Enron, as explained by Sherron Watkins in the Beenan and Pinto (2009) article (see Moodle). Do not simply describe the concept; the emphasis should be on discussion and application. (100 words; 5 marks) Question 2A. Given your

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