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    Feasibility of Using Biosensors for Heavy Metal Detection in Complex Matrices Such as Bio-Slurries.

    Maria Vasilenko 223901 Feasibility of using biosensors for heavy metal detection in complex matrices such as bio-slurries. Master of Science Thesis Examiners: Professor Matti Karp Professor Raghida Lepistö Examiner and topic approved in The Science and Bioengineering Department Council meeting on 7.11.2012 Abstract TAMPERE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Master‟s Degree Programme in Science and Bioengineering Vasilenko Maria: Feasibility of using biosensors for heavy metal detection in complex

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    Translation and Gende

    In recent years, a considerable volume of academic literature and researches in the field of translation are being focused on the concept of gender in translation (e.g. von Flotow 2001, Simon 1996, and Chamberlain 1998). According to Chamberlain (1998: 96), “the issues relating to gender in the practice of translation are myriad, varying widely according to the type of text being translated, the language involved, cultural practices and countless other factors”. Von Flotow (2001) offers a comprehensive

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    The Effect of Technology on Christianity: Blessing or Curse?

    The Effect of Technology on Christianity: Blessing or Curse? By Dale B. Sims Last Sunday I worshipped with approximately 4000 other Christians at my church. My wife and I parked about a quarter of a mile from the building. A shuttle bus picked us up and drove us to the doors of the church. We entered the large, well-lit building and walked into the sanctuary. From the back of the room I saw row upon row of stadium seats filled with people. Everyone was conversing with their neighbor, a happy

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    Csr & Its Initiatives

    1) MEANING OF CSR Corporate Social Responsibility is a management concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders. CSR is generally understood as being the way through which a company achieves a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives (“Triple-Bottom-Line- Approach”), while at the same time addressing the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders. In this sense it is important to draw

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    Case Study

    rP os t 9-306-037 REV: JANUARY 18, 2007 JAMES AUSTIN JAMES QUINN Ben & Jerry’s: Preserving Mission and Brand within Unilever op yo In December 2004, Ben & Jerry’s head of Social Mission, Yola Carlough, sat in her office in South Burlington, Vermont, talking with the company’s “social auditor,” an external consultant hired to generate an independent perspective on the company’s performance. Together, the two were compiling data for a forthcoming report, Social and Environmental

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    Organizational Part 1. A. Introduction: Grameenphone is the largest mobile telecommunications operator in Bangladesh in terms of revenue, coverage and subscriber base. The company was incorporated on October 10, 1996 as a private limited company. Grameenphone converted to a public limited company on June 25, 2007. Trading of the company‘s shares started at Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges from 16 Nov. 2009. The shareholding structure comprises of mainly two sponsor Shareholders namely Telenor

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    Week 1

    chapter one Sociology: Perspective, Theory, and Method What sets human beings apart from all other forms of life? Why is sociology an important tool for your future? How should you respond to people whose way of life differs from your own? ISBN: 0-536-12116-8 Societ y: The Basics, Eighth Ed itio n by Jo hn J. Ma cio nis. Published b y Prentice -Hall. Co pyright © 2006 by Pear son Edu cation, In c. ISBN: 0-536-12116-8 L The sociological perspective shows us patterns of

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    Ioana Pârvulescu Reclama \n belle époque D I L E M A T E C A l A P R I L I E 2 012 DOSAR Pentru genera]ia mea, reclama are gustul fructului oprit. Dac` \n anii ’60 ai secolului trecut tot mai vedeai c\te o publicitate, de preferin]` cubanez`, Havana Club sau Kuba libre, mai t\rziu, p\n` \n 1990, gazetele comuniste [i anemicele programe de televiziune n-au mai permis jocul primejdios al reclamei. Primejdios pentru c` refuz` t`v`lugul care niveleaz` tot ce ar putea ie[i \n eviden]` [i

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    International Business

    PART 1 GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER ONE Globalization Learning Objectives After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Describe the process of globalization and how it affects markets and production. 2. Identify the two forces causing globalization to increase. 3. Summarize the evidence for each main argument in the globalization debate. 4. Identify the types of companies that participate in international business. 5. Describe the global business environment and identify

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    Saas Market Overview

    Introduction to Centaur Partners SaaS Market Overview Centaur Partners Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Placement Advisory, and Transaction Consulting May 2015 CONFIDENTIAL – NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION © 2015, Centaur Partners │Confidential | Technology Market Overview IT Storage IT Infrastructure NASDAQ Composite IT Security BigData 160 SaaS Internet Digital Media 150 140 130 120 12% 110 100 90 80 5/7 6/7 7/7 8/7 9/7 10/7 11/7 12/7 1/7

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