Introduction Our voice forms an important part of our everyday lives. However, it is when the voice is used as a part of one’s profession, that it becomes indispensable. Teaching is one such profession (Buekers, Bierens, Kingma & Marres, 1995; Simberg, Sala & Ronnemaa, 2004). Teachers regularly face vocal abuse at work (Smith et al., 1998), the effects of which manifest themselves in ways more than speaking on the job (Sovani & Mukundan 2010). In spite of this, very little is currently being done
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learning" and "virtual learning" which mean to provide the means to learn based on the advance technology utilization to get access to the online, interactive and in some cases, individualized training using the internet or other media to improve skills while the learning process is independent of time and place. Dr .Vlachopoulos define e-learning as “ an approach to teaching and learning, representing all or part of the educational model applied, that is based on the use of electronic media and
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第七章 企業組織類型 7.1 企業組織的種類 a. 企業可分為私人企業和公營企業 b. 私人企業可細分為獨資經營、合夥、有限公司和合作社,而有限公司又再分為私人有限公司及公眾有限公司 c. 公營企業可分為政府部門及公營公司 7.2 私人企業 7.2.1獨資經營 a. 特點 i) 一個人擁有,由東主獨自投資和全權負責經營,盈利或虧損都由東主個人承受 ii) 無限債務責任 – 指企業出現資不抵債的情況時,東主有責任清還所有債務,包括動用私人財產來還債 iii) 東主較難籌集資金,因此規模一般較小 b. 成立獨資經營的過程 東主只須向稅務局轄下的商業登記署登記及領取商業登記證便可開業 c. 優點及缺點 |優點 |缺點 | |1. 開業手續簡便,領取商業登記證後便可開業 |1. 無限債務責任
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menempatkan set keterampilan ke dalam tindakan. Namun, seperti yang kita semua tahu dari pengalaman pribadi, bekerja secara efektif dengan orang lain membutuhkan lebih dari spesific practising, keterampilan rasional, itu sering digambarkan sebagai soft skills diri kita seperti; pikiran, keyakinan, atau perasaan dan aspek menarik lainnya dari diri kita. Dalam organisasi seperti halnya bermain dilapangan, kompetensi keterampilan adalah penting tetapi itu saja tidak cukup. Meskipun seorang pemimpin harus
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7 Habits of Highly Effective People Be Proactive, Personal Vision Habit 1: Proactivity means that, as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives. Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions. There are three central values in life: the experiential (that which happens to us), the creative (that which we bring into existence), and the attitudinal (our response to difficult circumstances). What matters most is how we respond to what we experience in life
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Learning a new foreign language can be an extremely troublesome undertaking that demands large amounts of time, and effort in order to be successful in speaking the new language. How old you start learning foreign languages doesn’t matter, but it will often be connected with a substantial deal of self-doubt at first so experiencing that while trying to formulate even simple sentences can be a true struggle. Developing, we are most-likely taught a foreign language in school, a safe, and secure environment
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I live and breathe mock trial! By dedicating upwards of twenty hours a week to understanding the characters and case, I am a better public speaker, quicker thinker and leader because of mock trial. I thrive on the verbal boxing match, testing my wits with every cross and direct examination. Each trial, I advocate for people and tell their story. I want to be a witness on Columbia’s mock trial team working together deciphering the case, collaborating and challenging each other, and bringing the courtroom
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What makes a person a leader? Is it their passion to reach their goals? Or is it their trustworthiness? The North Star guided various people to their destinations for numerous years without any form of communication with people. Why is it that so many people trusted that the star would get them home? What characteristic does a star have for it’s ability to have lead the path for so many. Maybe the reputation the star has for leading people in the past. Or maybe it the brightness of the star that
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To the Army Recruiting Course team; first let me start with thanking you for your entire kindness and candor establishment that you have built. As for I have personally learned a lot about myself and recruiting. During my training I have observed a lot and would return to my room to ponder what was good, bad and mediocre. I would only ask of you to understand my opinion not in judgment, but with sincerity to better the organization as a whole. Many of my thoughts derive from reading a book in
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laceration which I mended back together I decided that I wanted to help horses by being an Equine Physical Therapist. 4-H attributed to my future in many ways. A major way 4-H helped is by helping me decide on my future career, and teaching me the skill of planning. Also, through 4-H, I have met many people; they are good friends and will support me in my future endeavors as I support them in
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