Marijuana Is Safer Than Alcohol

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    Utilitarianism of Marijuana Brandon What do you think of when you hear the term Weed or Marijuana? Most people probably think illegal drugs, drug dealers, and crime. But what most people don’t realize is that Marijuana might be able help with some of today’s most common problems. For an Aids patient Marijuana helps fight appetite loss and headaches. The Marijuana seed is a source of nutritional value, and is a great source for cooking oils and vitamins. Before it was illegalized Marijuana was one

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    Marijuana and Its Dangers

    Christian Nott, Nishant Grover, Michelle Hollcraft PHIL210 4/9/13 Marijuana and its Dangers Marijuana is a substance that has been known to impact the mental, physical and emotional well­being of users. It creates a sense of euphoria, known as a “high”, which gives users a false sense of security and assures them a period of bliss and tranquility. This intoxicated state proves harmful when a user tries to operate a motor vehicle or perform other tasks. When high, one tends to ignore daily responsibilities

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    Marijuana Speech

    to be "bad".   Why are we taught from such a young age that marijuana is bad.   Why are we able to go into any store and buy tobacco, which kills 400,000 people annually; alcohol, which kills 100,000 people annually; and caffeine, which kills 2,000 people annually.   According to the New England Journal of medicine, you would have to smoke 1500 pounds of marijuana in under 15 minutes to OD.   Marijuana was prohibited in 1937, but marijuana prohibition isn’t working. Today between 95 and 100 million

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    Team Debate on Legalizing Marijuana

    ideas and beliefs as to whether alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana are even close to comparison with each other. Moderate use of marijuana is now worse than alcohol or tobacco. Leslie Iversen, PhD, states, “Cannabis is a safer drug than aspirin and can be used long-term without serious side effects (Iversen, PhD, 2012). Drinking and driving kill people everyday but there is not much heard about driving high. Impairment from smoking marijuana is different than alcohol impairment. This is not saying

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    Personal Narrative-Behavior Class Analysis

    the belief that clients have the ability within themselves to bring about change. The cognitive-behavioral therapy is a different strategy used and the practice includes reinforcement, modeling, and conditioned responding. I also like programs like Alcohol Anonymous because the host and members are so supportive of each other and the members understand they have a problem. The members can accept their short-coming and be hopeful of being able to recover. It is important to understand that with a co-occurring

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    Legalization of Marijuana

    Legalization of Marijuana The plant cannabis sativa, better known as marijuana or hemp, has been used by many in different ways. It has been grown to provide food for villages and towns, and used for cloths, sails on early ships and most commonly rope. Many famous writings were written on hemp paper such as The Bible and a draft of the U.S. Constitution (Cronin, 1993). For many years people have smoked marijuana for recreational purposes. Although it was illegal to possess, smokers may still

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    Marijuana Should Be Legalized

    Name: Tutor Course: Date: Why Marijuana should be legalized Introduction Various governments have made numerous drugs illegal while others remain legal. Such drugs include cocaine, heroin, methane, marijuana, alcohol, bath salts or synthetic cathinone, hallucinogens, methamphetamine and many others. However, some are legal to use; the use of others are limited while others are illegal. For instance, alcohol is legal in most countries while its use is limited in others in terms of time one

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    New Age Cash Crop

    and quiet. You find three large, green with purple infused, marijuana buds. Right then it hits you, marijuana is illegal, you must be dreaming. But what if that dream could be the reality? Many people believe that the legalizing of marijuana would be good for our economy, good for helping people find jobs, and lowering our country’s crime rate. There will be nothing in the following pages that talks about the medicinal value of marijuana. There is no overwhelming data that shows that getting THC

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    Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

    Marijuana. When we hear that word we think of crime, criminals, smoke and the negative thoughts surrounded by this drug. What we don't think of is the positive things around it. It can stop seizures, it's been shown to stop cancer, it can ease pain and it's been proven to treat glaucoma, one of the leading causes of blindness. Its one of the most widely used drugs today and if the government did choose to legalize the crime rate would decrease, it would lead to access for medical marijuana and safer

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    Legalize Marijuana

    2. Claim: Marijuana legalization will benefit everyone both medically and economically, 3. Support: Currently 15 states allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes. 4. Warrant: People with pain, nausea and loss of appetite by people with AIDS, cancer and other debilitating diseases are benefiting from medical marijuana in the current 15 states that allow its use. 5. Backing: As in the past marijuana was used for medical purpose. 6. Rebuttal: Refusal to legalize continues to cost the government

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