Board of Directors (As of March 31, 2011) R N Tata (Chairman) S Ramadorai (Vice Chairman) N Chandrasekaran (CEO & Managing Director) Aman Mehta V Thyagarajan Prof. Clayton M Christensen Dr. Ron Sommer Laura M Cha S Mahalingam (CFO & Executive Director) Phiroz Vandrevala (Executive Director) Dr. Vijay Kelkar Ishaat Hussain Company Secretary Suprakash Mukhopadhyay Statutory Auditors Deloitte Haskins & Sells US GAAP Auditors Deloitte Haskins & Sells Registered Office 9th Floor, Nirmal
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This page intentionally left blank Introductory Econometrics for Finance SECOND EDITION This best-selling textbook addresses the need for an introduction to econometrics specifically written for finance students. It includes examples and case studies which finance students will recognise and relate to. This new edition builds on the successful data- and problem-driven approach of the first edition, giving students the skills to estimate and interpret models while developing an intuitive grasp
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Edelman First Published 2011 All Rights Reserved Coordinating Ministry For Economic Affairs, Republic of Indonesia Masterplan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia Economic Development Jakarta: Coordinating Ministry For Economic Affairs, 2011 212 pages; 28 x 30 cm ISBN 978-979-3754-14-7 Masterplan aCCeleratIOn anD eXpansIOn OF InDOnesIa eCOnOMIC DeVelOpMent 2011-2025 Coordinating Ministry For Economic Affairs Republic of Indonesia 6 Masterplan P3EI Abstract Doc. Astra Otoparts
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engineering design research, historical reviews of ways that the terms ‘design’ and ‘design process’ have been used in the literature of engineering design research and design research in the period 1962–1995, clarification of the role of disciplinary structure in the development of coherent design theories, the development of conceptual tools and
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financial market in providing services to foreign enterprises and individuals. There is also a shift from the traditional bank lending activities towards investment banking activities. Competition in financial markets encourages consolidation of banks and other financial institutions through mergers and acquisitions in order to increase contestability (Bikker & Bos, 2005). Hence, it is important to determine whether the bank is performing well under constant changes in the financial markets. This
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Capital and the Capital Accumulation Process The Vision Wheel State Transition for Harley-Davidson: Organization State Transition for Harley-Davidson: Culture State Transition for Harley-Davidson: Relationships State Transition for Harley-Davidson: Markets The Six Pillars of a Value Proposition Leveraging up the Apple Value Proposition Reconciling Different Value Propositions Leveraging up Samsung Electronics’ Value Proposition Components of a Business Model Aligning the Business Model and Value Proposition
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Multinational Corporations and Foreign Direct Investment This page intentionally left blank Multinational Corporations and Foreign Direct Investment Avoiding Simplicity, Embracing Complexity Stephen D. Cohen 1 2007 1 Oxford University Press, Inc., publishes works that further Oxford University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education. Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New
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This page intentionally left blank Introductory Econometrics for Finance SECOND EDITION This best-selling textbook addresses the need for an introduction to econometrics specifically written for finance students. It includes examples and case studies which finance students will recognise and relate to. This new edition builds on the successful data- and problem-driven approach of the first edition, giving students the skills to estimate and interpret models while developing an intuitive
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More Praise for the Second Edition of Beyond Change Management “Once again, Dean and Linda have nailed it! Beyond Change Management is an extraordinary book examining the shifts in change management that have occurred over the years. This book offers real, practical solutions for change practitioners to become extraordinary conscious change leaders.” —Darlene Meister, director, Unified Change Management, United States House of Representatives “Entering the offices recently of a highly respected Fortune
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schools, and conferences all over the world: What is leadership and how has it changed in the 21st century? Driven by rapid technological advancement, the digitization of nearly everything, and the ever more intricate interdependencies of the global market, the business landscape has transformed over the past two decades. Operating in a bewildering new environment in which little is certain, the pace is quicker and the dynamics more complex. Those who lead today’s brands can no longer rely on once immutable
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