Strategy Analysis MGMT 562 Rusty Gates Margaret Hogan Liberty McCarty Anita Ramachandran Tony Reed TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary…………………………………………………………….3 Introduction……………………………………………………………………..4 External Analysis……………………………………………………………….5 Suppliers………………………………………………………...…….5 Customers………………………………………………………..……5 Competitors…………………………………………………………...6 New Entrants………………………………………………………….7 Substitutes……………………………………………………………..7 Opportunities and Threats……………………………………………..8 Internal Analysis………………………………………………………………
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STARBUCKS HISTORY As with any corporation in America or throughout the world, Starbucks started out as a dream or a vision ready to be delivered to the world. Starbucks was born in the early seventies (Starbucks, 2005). In 1971, three friends, Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegel, and Gordon Bowker got together on numerous occasions to discuss what type of business would be successful during their time. During the early 1960s coffee was a major success in the US Market; however, overtime the popularity
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Starbucks Corporation Company Profile 12/15/2011 Company Overview: Starbucks Corporation is a premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee. The company operates in the US, Asia Pacific, the Europe Middle East Africa (EMEA) region, and Latin America. Starbucks is headquartered in Seattle, Washington and employs 137,000 people. The company recorded revenues of $10,707.4 million during the financial year ended September 2010* (FY2010), an increase of 9.5% over FY2009. The operating profit
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I Historia * Krispy Kreme nace en el 1933, cuando un inversionista llamado Vernon Rudolph compra una tienda de donas en Paducah, Kentucky, perteneciente a un chef francés llamado Joe LeBeauque. Este ya había creado una receta para unas donas esponjadas a base de levadura, únicas en Estados Unidos y base de las famosas donas hechas famosas por Krispy Kreme. * En el 1935 El negocio de las donas Krispy Kreme pronto salió del establecimiento y se muda a Nashville, Tennessee para venderse
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functional level, business level, global, and corporate level. Tim Hortons is the largest fast food restaurant chain in Canada and the fourth-largest in North America based on market capitalization. It operates a chain of more than 4,250 coffee and donut shops across the country, in several US states and a few other outposts. It features a variety of coffees and cappuccino with a food menu that offers doughnuts, sandwiches and other food items. Tim Hortons not only competes with the typical coffee
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9-808-019 JUNE 6, 2008 NANCY F. KOEHN MARYA BESHAROV KATHERINE MILLER Starbucks Coffee Company in the 21st Century On the morning of March 19, 2008, 6,000 Starbucks shareholders gathered at McCaw Hall in Seattle for the coffee company’s annual meeting. The first in line appeared outside the building’s glass-fronted façade while it was still dark, and before long, the performance hall was packed.1 As the crowd streamed inside, one team of Starbucks employees handed out cups of hot coffee,
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STARBUCKS HISTORY As with any corporation in America or throughout the world, Starbucks started out as a dream or a vision ready to be delivered to the world. Starbucks was born in the early seventies (Starbucks, 2005). In 1971, three friends, Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegel, and Gordon Bowker got together on numerous occasions to discuss what type of business would be successful during their time. During the early 1960s coffee was a major success in the US Market; however, overtime the popularity
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MISSION STATEMENT Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.(Starbucks Mission, 2008) Another strength that contributes to Starbucks success is their dedication in providing a good work environment for their employees. Starbucks provides their employees with a great work environment and they treat them with the up most respect. More importantly, Starbucks provide 24 hour training for all
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Executive Summary Starbucks PROC 5850 Procurement / Logistics Executive Summary DRAFT 1 Introduction Starbucks began in Seattle Washington in 1971. Today, in 2012 there are 17,000 stores in 55 Countries and their mantra is Ethical Sourcing. Ethical Sourcing includes Coffee Farm Support, Tea, and Cocoa and Store products. There store product include beverages, pastries, whole coffee beans, and coffee-related retail items. These are considered “specialty items”
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all around the world for their products and they choose only the finest. In addition to their gourmet food, the founder Kathy Kudler who was once a Vice-President of Marketing of a different, liked to cook gourmet meals. She got the idea that the San Diego metropolitan area needed a gourmet food store. She put together a business plan and opened the first Kudler Fine Foods in La Jolla, CA in 1998. Additionally, that store was profitable and she opened her second store by 2000 in Del Mar, then a third
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