¯’vqxfv‡e cÖwZwôZ nq| e¨w³MZ I mvgvwRK Dfq †ÿ‡ÎB Gi ¸iæZ¡ Acwimxg| wØZxq Aa¨vq 2.1 weev‡ni msÁv t- weevn m¤ú‡K© wewfbœ mgvRweÁvbx bvbv msÁv cÖ`vb K‡i‡Qb| mvgvRweÁvbx I‡qóvi gvK© (Wester Mark) Zuvi ‘The History of Human Marriage (1921) bvgK MÖ‡š’ weevn‡K msÁvwqZ K‡i‡Qb| Zuvi g‡Z, ‘Marriage is more or less durable connection between male and female lasting beyond the mere act of propagation till after the birth of offspring.’ Gi A_© n‡”Q GB †h, weevn bvix cyiæ‡li ga¨Kvi Kg ‡ekx ¯’vqx GKwU m¤úK© we‡kl,
Words: 5452 - Pages: 22