Mutual Funds Performance Evaluation

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    Management Accounting

    * t * e | In Management accounting or managerial accounting, managers use the provisions of accounting information in order to better inform themselves before they decide matters within their organizations, which aids their management and performance of control functions. Contents   [hide]  * 1 Definition * 2 Scope, practice, and application * 3 Differences between financial accountancy and management accounting * 4 Traditional vs. innovative practices * 5 Role within a

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    Note : Both the sections are compulsory. Section I CASE I : BANKING ON RELATIONSHIP The birth of ABC Bank took place after the RBI issued guidelines for the entry of new private sector banks in January 1993. Subsequently, the promoter of ABC Bank sought permission to establish a commercial bank and retained KPMG, a management consultant of international repute, to prepare the groundwork for establishing a commercial bank. The Reserve Bank of India conveyed its approval in principle

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    Foreign Aid Literature Review

    Measures of Human Development Indicators Related works dealing with measures of aid effectiveness or evaluation of progress are not as large as the ones with the impact of foreign aid in poor countries. Besides they are quite different in type and size of coverage too. The latter is mainly a survey and post result oriented type while the former one relies

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    opening up private investment in the infrastructure through Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV). With the changing regulations, however, infrastructure finance so far has been untouched by the commercial banks. but this is the new avenue to gear up their fund based activities. With increased exposure in infrastructure, banks need to be cautious about the credit risks inherent in the projects with long gestation periods. It was found that infrastructure development has a high correlation with the macroeconomic

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    9690010114 Yogendera sharma CONTRIBUTED PAPERS A41, Thursday, December 28, 4:00-5:30 P.M. Session: Case Studies - I Session Chair: Prashant Kulkarni Institute of Finance and International Ma 418 Global Marketing and Challenges for Future: Franchising in Banks K. Ravichandran, Gandhigram Rural University, R. Muruganandham, Sudharsana Raamanujan, R, P. Nandakumar, M. Sasi Siddharth Thiagarajar College of Engineering, vr_muruganandham@hotmail

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    Mergers and Acquisitions

    Knotted forever… By Amit Pande & Sandeep K Krishnan In an ideal merger, the newly created entity pools the best features of the two merging organizations. A well planned process built on the foundations of an open, honest and consistent communication strategy can pave the way. Mergers and acquisitions have become a common phenomenon in recent times. A merger of the size like HP-Compaq has implications for the workforce of these companies across the globe. Although the merging entities give a great

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    Knotted forever… By Amit Pande & Sandeep K Krishnan In an ideal merger, the newly created entity pools the best features of the two merging organizations. A well planned process built on the foundations of an open, honest and consistent communication strategy can pave the way. Mergers and acquisitions have become a common phenomenon in recent times. A merger of the size like HP-Compaq has implications for the workforce of these companies across the globe. Although the merging entities give a

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    Influence of Service Charters on Service Delivery

    Public Policy and Administration Research ISSN 2224-5731(Paper) ISSN 2225-0972(Online) Vol.3, No.6, 2013 Influence of Performance Contract on Public Service Delivery in Kenya: Study of Registration of Persons Kericho District 1. Thomas Gekonde School of Law Mount Kenya University, P.O Box 2591, Eldoret-Kenya Tel: +254 721 206 387, Email: 2. Dr Pamela Ochieng, Associate Dean Mount Kenya University School of Post Graduate Studies, P.O. Box 2591,

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    Term Paper

    A Project Study Report On Training Undertaken at HDFC Bank Ltd Titled RETAIL LOAN & PARA BANKING PRODUCT IN HDFC BANK LTD. Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Award of degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION |Submitted by |Submitted to | |Abhimanyu Singh Rathore |Mrs. Dhwani Mishra

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    Janata Bank Ltd.

    of business unit. Finding out techniques and methods for solving business unit problem. * Enhancement of the relationship between administration and laborers. * Formulation of policy for the improvement of business policy. * In performance evaluation of a business unit internship program is most significant. * Comparing or determining then extent applicability of systems or methodologies of various business disciplines. * Identify or direct barriers and changes to bring success

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