My Best Day Ever

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    Personal Narrative: My Trip To Chicago

    down the stairs and I don't like carrying my tuba because I am not the strongest tuba player, all the other tuba players we’re six foot or taller. After we could find our way to our room into for about 10 minutes some guy told us how to get to our room. Our room had a great view of the Chicago River and Trump Tower. I slept very well that night since I was so tired. When we woke up the next day we

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    Personal Narrative: I Am Santa Real?

    any noise… it was people talking. I opened my eyes and jumped out of bed to go out in my living room, thinking that I was going to see Santa. I was scared to death because I didn’t know what to expect. Maybe he would kidnap me. As I rounded the corner to the living room, I saw three figures standing by the tree, unloading presents. This was going to be the moment that every child dreams of. I was convinced I was about to see Santa. Instead,I saw my mom, grandma, and aunt stuffing the stockings

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    Cherry Pit Research Paper

    basement with a bunch of strangers wasn’t my idea of a fun night. After my best friends, Angel and Trent begged

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    Breaking My Track

    broke my Ankle It was a warm March Day in the year 2015. It was the final day of the second trimester at Acacia Elementary School. We were the studying life science of frogs which is my least favorite subject EVER!!!!!. " It's is time for P.E.,"our 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Lewis announced to the class. The whole class cheered and yelled," Yah!!," and,"Wahoo!!," because we all HATED life science and especially the life science of frog. Finally science is over I thought in my head

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    The Influence My Grandfather Had on Me

    The Influence my Grandfather had on my Career Field, Criminal Justice Have you ever lost someone that was so important to you, that you just didn’t really know where your life would go from there? Well I lost my best friend, my Grandfather. He and I did absolutely everything together, and he is the reason why I’m studying Criminal Justice. My Grandfather was a police officer for fifty-two years. And he always told me to strive for my dreams, and never let anyone or anything stop me or hold me

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    decisions using values along the way? It was extremely important for me to discover my values because I face tough decisions every day. As a high school student I encounter many circumstances each day that test my patience and my character. My values define who I am as a person as it guides me into the right direction making my life go forward. If I am ever in a tough situation, I would need my values to make the best decision possible; one that satisfies the person who I really am. What skills have

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    Get Rich or Die Trying

    Git Rich or Die Trying Have you ever done something that you was not proud of, like indulge in criminal activities? I have, like Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson said “Git Rich or Die Trying.” Honestly, I believed that I would get rich from my criminal activity. I started with small petty crimes, working my way up to mediocre blue collar crimes and planed to become a Boss of organized white collar crime . I knew the path that I had taken would soon come to a life altering halt. The first crime that I

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    Teacher Student

    psychologically or even take a toll on them physically. This tragedy will often bring about many mixed emotions from someone, where some days will be easier than others. The isolation alone that results from being in hiding can have a major affect on a person. The Diary Of a Young Girl is a great body of work when referring to exile because Anne Frank wrote an entry every single day on the struggles of her daily life being in hiding. This book is a great representation of the worries that thousands were faced

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    About Me

    Your better than the best, you’re the best, the very best... The stars in the very night are so bright. Glimmering in colour, they shine the best. Being teased by the brightness of their bright shine you will never think of something else. If you will just think deep and put the stars in your life it may be like that so much. I imagine myself with the stars putting myself into it you can imagine your might be in stars. I can associate the stars in my life as a very important

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    How Does Gene Forrester Show Identity

    Patch-Withers’ tea party, Mrs. Patch-Withers notices that Finny was wearing the Devon School tie as a belt. Gene delights himself with the notion that Finny is going to get into trouble, showing how Gene resents Finny’s seemingly easy success. One day, Finny decides to try to break one of the school’s swimming records: A. Hopkins Parker’s 100 yard freestyle time; in the end, he does so by 0.7 seconds. Gene wants Finny to try again with an official timekeeper and the Devonian to own the record. Finny

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