2, No. 1, pp. 65-82 ISSN 2152-1034 Gender Compensation Discrimination: An Exploration of Gender Compensation Gap and the Higher Education Connection Judith E. Grey-Bowen, Miami-Dade County Public Schools Donovan A. McFarlane, The Donovan Society LLC and Frederick Taylor University Abstract The purpose of this paper is to examine the gender gap and the potential factors that contribute to income inequality. Since the passing of the equal pay act, the median weekly earnings of women is still
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Through joining multiple extracurriculars - which most notably include concert/pep band, National Honor Society, and knowledge bowl - I explored the wide array of opportunities presented in each. Despite the rise in my GPA, these were simply statistics and their value is only subjective. They don’t represent one’s actual learning. I focused all of my
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I grew to love volunteering in my community. While other students slept in, I would wake up early on Saturday mornings, or stay out late on school nights to go volunteer. Whether it was with the Salvation Army, National Honors Society, or Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, I always had an event to go to. I always enjoyed challenging myself, because I wanted to see how far I could get and how much I could accomplish. That is why I would take classes such as
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these are basic information that anyone could know, however, I studied hard and I passed my AP United States history exam with a four making me proud. Moreover, I wanted to expand my knowledge in math, specially calculus. I signed up for pre-calculus honors class although people warned me about the class being challenging. I challenged myself again, and I passed the class with a B and I felt that I was prepared for my calculus AP class. Furthermore, I started to prepare for going and gathering information
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Emerging Standards of Care According to the U.S department of Health and Human services Office of Minority Health, "Integrated health care approaches must respect the whole person, work across the life span, include prevention and early intervention methods, and be person-centered, strength-based and recovery focused," (Sanchez, Chapa, Ybarra, & Martinez, Jr., 2012, p. 5 ). In this healthcare model, the patient must be treated not only according to the standards of nursing practice but integrate
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Contempt for Children in the Sibling Society” by Robert Bly, is a moving call for the rediscovery of “adulthood”. Bly divides the two generations into two groups; he labels one the “Old Paternal Society” which Bly classifies as a wise and structured society, a society that was raised to honor and to respect their parents, other adults and the elderly at all times. Bly labels the other the “Sibling Society”; a new society “for self”. Bly describes the sibling society as unstructured; they had “Jettisoned”
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protective measures to ensure the safety of society today. However, central intelligence was not implemented on a government-wide basis until the conclusion of World War II. With the passing of the National Security Act of 1947 by former President Harry S. Truman, the Central Intelligence Agency was established. Nearly 60 years later, the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, called for a dividing line between central and national intelligence. As a result, the primary mission
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quickly as the South African national anthem began to play. I was about to watch my first rugby game at the University of the Western Cape and sitting beside me was my newest South African friend Francis. As I strained to hear the national anthem, I realized that the majority of the song was not in English but a mixture of other languages that I could not decipher. Sitting back down, I turned to Francis and asked him what languages I had just heard in the national anthem. He responded, “There
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[pic] FIRST ARMY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY REPRESENTATIVE COURSE STUDENT GUIDE TO CULTURAL AWARENESS INDEX LESSON TITLE PAGE 1 Philosophical Aspects of Culture SG- 3 C1 Native American Experience SG- 4 C2 White American Experience SG- 23 C3 Arab American Experience SG- 43 C4 Hispanic American Experience SG- 53 C5 Black American Experience SG- 76 C6 Asian American Experience SG-109
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“There are still many causes worth sacrificing for, so much history yet to be made.” - Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama is the wife of the first black president, Barack Obama. Not only did she marry a very influential and great leader, but she is one. She went to Harvard law school and Princeton university. Michelle is a very influential woman. She fights for women's rights, and for the rights of other. She is a role model to many people who strive to be their best. Michelle Obama is a strong woman
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