On John And Jane Smith

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    John Doe

    John Doe is sometimes used to refer to a typical male in other contexts as well, in a similar manner to John Q. Public in the United States or Joe Public, John Smith or Joe Bloggs in Britain. For example, the first name listed on a form might be John Doe, along with a fictional address or other fictional information to provide an example of how to fill in the form. The name is also used frequently in US popular culture, for example in the Frank Capra film Meet John Doe. John Doe was also the name

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    You Decide 1

    Mr. & Mrs. Smith, It was a pleasure to meet with you both and hear your questions pertaining to your taxes. I have analyzed the information you provided to my agency and would like to address the following specific issues and recommend alternative strategies to reduce your personal tax liability. First, I’d like to address Mr. Smith’s issues. 1(a). How is the $300,000 treated for purposes of federal tax income? The $300,000 is earned income for you and will be reported as gross income

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    The Fraud Triangle

    The Fraud Triangle Abstract In 2002 SAS No. 99, Consideration of Fraud in a Financial Statement Audit describes the difference between material misstatements due to errors and intentional fraud and defines two types of intentional fraud: fraudulent financial reporting and misappropriation of assets. SAS No. 99 also introduced D. R. Cressey’s theory of the fraud triangle which is so named because it consists of three conditions that are generally present when fraud occurs: incentive/pressure

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    Petition Dissolution of Mar

    IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, DOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: ) ) JOHN SMITH, ) Petitioner, ) ) and ) No. ____________ ) JANE SMITH, ) Respondent. ) PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE NOW COMES the Petitioner, JOHN SMITH, by and through his attorney, Darryl Apperton and Cabrini Green Legal Aid, petitions this court for a Dissolution of Marriage and states as follows: 1. Petitioner

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    Petition Dissolution of Mar

    IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT, DOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION IN RE THE MARRIAGE OF: ) ) JOHN SMITH, ) Petitioner, ) ) and ) No. ____________ ) JANE SMITH, ) Respondent. ) PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE NOW COMES the Petitioner, JOHN SMITH, by and through his attorney, Darryl Apperton and Cabrini Green Legal Aid, petitions this court for a Dissolution of Marriage and states as follows: 1. Petitioner

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    Federal Taxation -You Decide Paper

    Memo To: John and Jane Smith From: Desiree Looft, CPA Date: September 24, 2011 Subject: Explanation of tax benefits and liabilities for business and personal. 1(a) As a result of a recent court settlement for a client John earned $300,000 for his law practice LLC. He wants to minimize his tax liability and understand how the IRS will treat this money earned. He lease’s office space for $3,500 per month. He wants to know the advantages in leasing office space versus purchasing the building

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    Emma-Jane Austen Book Review

    BOOK REVIEW Emma is a classic novel written by Jane Austen in 1815, published by John Murray. Emma is an intelligent, upper class young woman who thinks she knows more than other people. She decides to use her knowledge to become a matchmaker for her new little friend, Harriet. Emma finds out that she doesn't know as much as she thinks she does; while she discovers she misread quite a few of her acquaintances. She discovers that she didn't even know herself as well as she thought. The Regency

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    You Decide John and Jane Case

    salary in a big law firm, or work directly with clients and collect the fees from these clients. If it is a salary, then it will be taxed the same way as ordinary income in the W-2 form, and if it is a business income like in our situation here with John, then it will be treated as a self-employment income that will be taxed after deducting any business expenses. “Self-employed individuals generally must pay self-employment tax (SE tax) as well as income tax. SE tax is a Social Security and Medicare

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    Irs Information

    I, Jane Doe, borrowed $200 on October 16th, 2012, from John Smith. The money was borrowed in a loan to be repaid in one lump sum. I, Jane Doe, will repay the entire amount of the loan, $200, with a personal check to John Smith, by December 16th, 2012. If for any reason the repayment is late, a $5 per day late charge will ensue until the entire amount of the loan, with additional late fees, is paid. The promisor and the payee agree to the payment agreement terms listed above.   Signed: ____________________________________________

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    abbreviations. For example: •  As a sentence ender: Jane and Jack went to the market . •  After an abbreviation: Her Mar . birthday came and went. Use a question mark (?) to indicate a direct question when placed at the end of a sentence. For example: When did Jane leave for the market ? The exclamation point/mark (!) is used when a person wants to express a sudden outcry or add emphasis. 1. Within dialogue: “Holy cow!” screamed Jane. 2. To emphasize a point: My mother-in-law's rants

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