Police Organization

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    Organized Crime In Canada

    while playing outside in 1995. After this tragic death the public became furious demanding for the government to do something. This lead to the legislation of Bill C-95 in 1997 which included harsher penalties for those affiliated in criminal organizations that commit an illegal offence. By 2001, the war was put to an end after numerous public outcries, growing death tolls and more extreme consequences with the law resulting in the incarceration of over 100 bikers from both gangs. ( Hells Angels

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    Police Culture

    Police Culture Marissa Efros, Lysa Lawson, Awele Meju, Makita Walker, Joseph Washington CJA/214 May 24, 2012 Jesse Banks Police Culture The history of policing can be traced back to the beginning of time. When looking at the subject of police work there is a large culture and history that follows along with it. There are many topics that can be analyzed when identifying, and describing the elements and the significances that are associated with policing. A large

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    Kelsey Budget Report

    director needs to revamp the City of Kelsey budget for the upcoming year. Because of an increase in population in the City of Kelsey, statistics show an increase in crime in the City of Kelsey that is above the norm. This brings about a need for more police officers (University of Phoenix, 2011). Another issue is the recent reduction in federal pass-through funds, which will have a negative impact the budget for the City of Kelsey. At the federal level, a budget reform has put pressure on the City

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    Ethical Issues In Law Enforcement

    The police who enforce and guard the rights of the individuals in our society should have attributes of strong moral fortitude and values. They are the enforcers of laws and are expected to conduct themselves professionally at all times, regardless of race, gender or culture. More importantly, police officers are expected to have a thorough understanding of justice and how to apply laws while remaining ethical. However, when agency’s fail to meet this standard the profession’s legitimacy is scrutinized

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    Law Enforcement

    development of police agencies stem back to the early centuries. During the early time of policing, the jurisdictions were limited. The changes in society had a direct impact on the demand of policing needs. The United States enhancement of law enforcement expanded to three types of law enforcement agencies. The three law enforcement agencies are local, state, and federal. Each branch of government is equally important in the overall safety and security of the United States. The organization of law

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    Organizational Trends

    are referred to as trends. Such trends within United States criminal justice organizations are vital in keeping pace with societal change and combating crime. Some recent trends are the privatization and militarization of criminal justice organizations. In this writing, I will discuss and attempt to compare these trends with current criminal justice organizations. The privatization of criminal justice organizations stems from the idea that awarding contracts to private companies that could run

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    Policing Developement and Operation Trends

    policing organizations present in every community that helps to keep that community safe. A few of these organizations are the local police, the state police, and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations). These organizations play a vital role in the past, present, and future trends of policing in this country. Their ability to adapt to changes in the way communities evolve and become more technologically advanced will determine if these agencies can prepare for change. Police management

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    Criminal Justice Lessons Learned Post 9/11

    2001. In the wake of the events that followed the 9/11 attacks many problems were revealed within the criminal justice system, especially those affecting the law enforcement community. One of those problems was the lack of interaction between the police departments and other local/state law enforcement with the federal law enforcement agencies. Local law enforcement agencies are the primary responders to any incident of crime or terror, therefore developing a better interagency collaboration in

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    Motivation and Empowerment Paper

    Mercheryl Moore, Sharlanda Smith-Lazard & Burnell Thompson CJA474 September 25, 2015 Laura Gremillion, Facilitator Introduction In the world of criminal justice organizations motivation and empowerment are of importance. In any organization, to be successful, motivation and empowerment from the employees are crucial. In policing, instead of being fearful with the thought of doing something wrong, there are officers who are achievement-oriented and

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  • Premium Essay

    Police Patrol and Its Inducing Effect in Reducing Crime and Disorders

    occurrence: yet opportunity above all others is necessary and therefore has as much or more claim to being a root cause” Marcus Felson Introduction Police operations cover the mission-critical aspects of a police organization: policies, institutional arrangements, processes and resources for the performance of the policeman’s main functions. Police Operations encompass a wide range of activities, particularly patrol and traffic operations, implementation of special laws, command and control, civil

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