Police Organization

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    Paper for Business

    Studies in Maryland yielded similar results for all minorities Howie Becker – the group creates rules and people that break those rules are labeled outsiders and deviants. Moral Entrepreneurs – people that make a career out of enforcing morality eg. Police Primary deviance – committing a deviant act before the rules are formed. You aren’t stigmatized as being deviant. Person who performs the act thinks he is normal. Eg. A one year old stealing candy and not knowing it is wrong Secondary deviance –

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    There are various types of police agencies, federal, state, local and private. Each agency consists of different levels and is organized in its own unique way. Federal law enforcements focus on large issues across the entire nation. Federal department of justice Drug enforcement administration (DEA) Federal bureau of investigation (FBI) U.S. marshals service Department of homeland security U.S. customs and border protection (CBP) U.S. customs service Transportation security

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    The Impact of Sir Robert Peel on American Policing

    in 1846. (Gale, 2004, pg.181) Sir Robert Peel was in the great tradition of 19th-century administrative reformers. Though not a doctrinaire, he drew on the most advanced thinking of his day in his reform of British criminal law, the prisons, the police, and fiscal and economic policies. By making government a positive instrument in social reform and by his pragmatic approach to social and political problems, Peel also made an important contribution to shaping the philosophy of the modern Conservative

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    Police Vs Private Policing

    For the most part police departments originated for the sole purpose of protecting and serving their own community. Over time their sole purpose seemed to shift from protecting the people to enforcing the law. In turn policemen serve the government, not the people. Consequently, they uphold the law with total disregard for whether their actions create or prevent violence. It is no surprise that the first organized police departments began in urban cities where there was a large inflow of immigrants

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    History of Police

    The history of Police Paper Samuel G. Gilley CJA/214 – Introduction to Police Theory and Practices June 10, 2012 Judith Brodsky Abstract This paper is about the history of police in America. This paper will describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing. Also, it will discuss the different stages of police in America. In addition, it will analyze the relationship between the government and the policing organizations throughout the United States.

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    Psychological Testing

    (2003). Psychological Testing and the Selection of Police Officers: A National Survey. Criminal Justice and Behavior, (30)5, 500-537. In this article Cochrane et al. identify the selection and psychological assessment practices for potential police offers nowadays, which enable the police department to select police officers with good performance. The authors use data gained through a survey including personnel managers from municipal police agencies to identify selection practices and procedures

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    Constitutional Rights

    the organization or them doing their jobs. The Fourth Amendment rights in regards to search and seizure cover the employee when they are off duty or at home just as it applies to everyone else. However, equipment supplied by the organization, such as lockers, desks, computers, patrol cars, uniforms, etc. are not protected by the Fourth Amendment. Even the employees, themselves, during work hours are considered a part of the department’s equipment and the individual may be used in a police lineup

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    Community Policing to Prevent Crime

    created the Metropolitan Police and according to Peel, the real key for policing is the police are the people and the people are the police. Peel believed that prevention of crime could be accomplished without intruding into the lives of citizens. Community policing is based on Peel's concept of prevention. Community policing has been embraced by many law enforcement organizations across our country. Community policing is based on its goal to prevent crime and promote better police-community partnerships

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    Crj 100

    is “The use of the best available research on the outcomes of police work to implement guidelines and evaluate agencies, units and officers” (Schmallager, 2011 pg.157).   Evidence based policing uses research into everyday police procedures to evaluate current practices and to guide officers and police executives in future decision making, (Schmallager, 2011 pg 158). Evidence-based policing has been dated back to the discovery of police officers. Countries have done tests on different areas to gather

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    Changing Faces of Police Maganement

    Changing Face of Police Management For law enforcement agencies to succeed its current leadership style and practices must change to keep up with these progressive times. The old authoritarian style of leadership of conformity and unyielding compliance will no longer work today. One of the reasons for law enforcement agencies to prepare now rather later is because the face of law enforcement is evolving. As veteran officers retire a new generation of police officers are being hired and are currently

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