cost of per square inch. b. Identify the processing needed to convert the inputs to the outputs. Enter the diameter of the pizza which area of circle = (Pi(r )^2) / cost of pizza = cost per square inch c. Design an algorithm in pseudocode to solve this problem. Make sure to include steps to get each input and generate each output. //Constants Area= Pi (r)^2 //Variables Diameter Cost //Output “Please enter the diameter of the pizza.” “Please
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CALABAR HIGH SCHOOL CSEC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (General Proficiency) School Based Assessment SPREADSHEET ------------------------------------------------- Description of Project It takes 90 seconds or less for a car thief to take your vehicle. It is no longer enough to just roll-up your windows and lock your doors. Although few stolen vehicles are recovered within 48 -72 hours, the damage has already been done. The Spartahouse City Council in collaboration with the Spartahouse
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Algorithm/Pseudocode Print all options available to user Call the main function Ask which option user wants to choose If statement to ensure a capital or lower case “A’ will work Insert a try statement in order to catch exceptions Insert a while loop in order to keep program going until user is finished. Call the write_int_rates function Call the customerNumber function Call the CalculateBonusInterest function
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Description: This program will calculate the usable area in square feet of a four bedroom house. Analysis: In building this program, I need it to efficiently calculate the total usable area of an entire four bedroom house. In order to do this, the program first needs to calculate the dimensions of each room. Once it has found the total area for each room, the program can then add the four room dimensions to arrive at the total usable area for the entire house. The calculations should look like
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1. Know the different programming structures and what they do: a. Control – A logical design that controls the order in which a set of statements execute. Pg. 36 b. Decision – Allows a program to perform actions only under certain conditions. Pg. 115 c. Repetition – Causes a statement or set of statements to execute repeatedly. Pg. 163 d. Sequence – A set of statements that executed in the order that they appear. Pg. 36 2. Know the decision making structures – Pg. 140, 143 a. If Condition
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IMPLEMENTASI VECTOR SPACE MODEL DAN BEBERAPA NOTASI METODE TERM FREQUENCY INVERSE DOCUMENT FREQUENCY (TF-IDF) PADA SISTEM TEMU KEMBALI INFORMASI Oka Karmayasa dan Ida Bagus Mahendra Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Jurusan Ilmu Komputer, Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana Email: ABSTRAK Sistem temu kembali informasi merupakan sistem yang digunakan untuk menemukan informasi yang relevan dengan kebutuhan dari penggunanya secara otomatis
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Home Maintenance One of the biggest investments that a family will ever make is their home. Along with that investment comes another important aspect to owning a home, maintenance of it year around. Making the most of your investment is important and to insure this one must maintain the interior, exterior, plumbing, and the appliances. Maintenance benefits Maintaining your home comes with many benefits that can add value to your investment. Home maintenance is like a well checkup that is done
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Homework Assignment 4 Charles Black CMIS102-4015 Professor Dale Goode 27Sep15 Problem definition: Write a program, using functions, that calculates the area and perimeter of a rectangle whose dimensions (length and width) are provided by a user. A. Problem Analysis – Following the directions in the assignment, clearly write up your problem analysis in this section. In this problem, we have to calculate and display the area and perimeter
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I. Cost Analysis for Gaming Computer A. List of components to purchase: 1. CPU 2. Case 3. Power supply 4. Motherboard 5. Hard Drive 6. RAM 7. DVD 8. Sound Card 9. Monitor 10. Graphics Card 11. Operating System 1. CPU: Compare Intel Core i7-3770K BX80667i73770K Processor - Quad Core, 8MB L3 Cache, 3.50GHz (3.90GHz Max Turbo), Socket H2 (LGA1155)
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6.1 ALGORITHM STEP 1:- Start STEP 2:- Load a file or write a c++ code in text editor. Select file Using (OpenFileDialog op = new OpenFileDialog () ;) If (C++ File EXIST) { LOAD FILE IN TEXT EDITOR(c++ file); } STEP 3 Setting up each line in SFC Table. If (Text Editor != "") { Add rows in SFC table (LENGTH OF TOTAL NO. LINES); For (int i = 0; i < LENGTH OF TOTAL NO. LINES; i++) { { ROW OF SFC TABLE[i].CELLS OF SFC TABLE [0].Value = i + 1; ROWS OF SFC TABLE[i].CELLS OF SFC TABLE [1].Value
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