Social Performance Of Organizations

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    Classical and Human Relations Theories

    THE COMPARISON OF CLASSICAL APPROACH AND HUMAN RELATION APPROACH IN ORGANISATION STUDIES 1. What is Organisation and Organisational Behaviour? Organisation is a cooperative interaction dynamic in social system with the purpose of satisfying individual needs (Barnard, 1938). This is not a sole definition about organisation, there are many other terms about organisation such as, Mintzberg (1983) Organisation is "Every organized human activity -- from the making of pots to the placing of a man

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    Wip Paper

    WORK IN PROGRESS PAPER Individual-level Cultural values and Workplace Attitudes and Behaviours: Examining the moderating effects of individual-level cultural values on social exchange relationships involving organizational justice and organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) in Pakistani organizations Samina Quratulain* Abdul Karim Khan* CERGAM, Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille-III, France ABSTRACT The relationships among employee’s work related variables, cultural variables and OCB are

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    Organizational Behavior

    people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. Contributing disciplines to the OB field: Organizational behavior is an applied behavioral science that is built upon contributions from a number of behavioral disciplines. Psychology is the science that seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals. it may be the mental and behavour characteristic of an individual or group Sociology is study the social system in which individuals fill their roles;

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    Jft Task 2

    Utah Symphony Analysis Financial Strengths: The Utah Symphony received approximately 5% of its incoming from their endowment fund annually. The organization raised $3,829 in revenue from rental fees, sets, props, costumes, box office, etc. However, the symphony believes that the fundraising contributions are sufficient enough currently to allow ticket prices to remain the same as the prior year is successful. The up side is that there was a $116,308 in surplus at the end of the year. Utah Symphony

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    Managing Human Capital

    Leaders know that to successfully run their companies they need to have a clear strategy that meets the challenges facing their organization and capitalizes on the strengths that they possess. However, even the best strategy will ultimately fail without the right people in place to execute it.  Thus, the true challenge for any leader is a human capital challenge. But what exactly is human capital and how does it relate to an organization’s chances for successfully executing its strategy?  In short

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    Organization Behaviour

    ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Is a multidisciplinary field of stduy that investigate show indidividuals behave within formal organizations. OB AS AN INTERDISCIPLINARY FIELD (Campo) * Psychology: individuals, motivation, personality, attitudes, learning, goals, expectation, perceptions, cognition. * Sociology: groups, status, hierarchy, influence, trust, reciprocity, social identity, social networks. * Economics: perfromance, efficency, effectiveness, incentives, monitoring, coordination. * Political

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    Management Notes

    * Globalization means we can work from anywhere but competing with from from everywhere (pg 4) * Long-term employment can’t be expected in today’s workplace- jobs have to be continually earned and re-earned through performance and accomplishments (4) * High performance companies are better than their competitors at getting extraordinary results from their employees (4) * Intellectual Capital= competency x commitment (4) * Intellectual capital: combined brainpower and shared knowledge

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    that Taylorism, Fordism and the approaches of lean organizations are not anymore enough, to maintain a substantial competence. Workgroups, a number exceeds two employees interact closely, with the awareness of their positive interdependence, whilst thriving to achieve common work-objectives. Team, a sophisticated group where every member interacts with and influences other members; all of them consider themselves a social entity in an organization, bearing a mutual accountability to achieve shared

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    Balanced Score Card

    Balanced Scorecard: Measuring performance of an organization involves studying its processes and outcomes to see if it is getting the results it intend to achieve. The best way to determine operational effectiveness is by measuring business performance. There are many methods of measuring performance but the goal is the same — to find out what is working well and what needs to change. Performance measurement can keep a firm on track towards its vision and help achieve its objectives. Balance Scorecard

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    LEADERSHIP By Dr. John H. Clippinger It is very true that I have said that I considered Napoleon’s presence in the field equal to forty thousand men in the balance. —Duke of Wellington One bad general does better than two good ones. —Napoleon Introduction During the early nineteenth century, Wellington’s and Napoleon’s1 observations made sense. With the onset of battle, communications became muddled, artillery was immobilized, and a commander’s ability to control his forces was limited

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