Date Submitted Natural gas is classified as a fossils fuel and is abundant in most parts of the world. It is referred to as ‘natural gas’ because it occurs naturally as a hydrocarbon that is an element from carbon and hydrogen atoms. It consists mainly of methane and is colorless. It is known to be the simplest type of hydrocarbon (, 2015). Natural gas is a very efficient energy source apart from being environmental friendly. It is known
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The Changing Climate 1. “Earth’s climate has always been changing; it is the rate of change that is of current concern to scientists.” With reference to Figure 1, and other evidence which you have come across, discuss the validity of this statement. Firstly, global climate change is defined as “a change in the long-term weather patterns that characterize the regions of the world.” From Figure 1, we can see that the Earth’s climate has always been changing (at least temperature-wise),
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Cachexia: wasting of body tissues as seen in cancer and other chronic illnesses Under all these metabolic conditions, amino acids lose their amino groups to form alpha-keto acids, the carbon skeletons of amino acids. The alpha-keto acids undergo oxidation to CO2 and H2O or, often more importantly, provide three- and four-carbon units that can be converted by gluconeogenesis into glucose, the fuel for brain, skeletal muscle, and other tissues. One important feature distinguishing amino acid degradation
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China’s Scientific & Technological Actions on Climate Change Jointly Issued by Ministry of Science and Technology National Development and Reform Commission Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Education Ministry of Finance Ministry of Water Resources Ministry of Agriculture State Environmental Protection Administration State Forestry Administration Chinese Academy of Sciences China Meteorology Administration National Natural Science Foundation State Oceanic Administration China Association
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Bacteria |I | |INTRODUCTION | Bacteria, one-celled organisms visible only through a microscope. Bacteria live all around us and within us. The air is filled with bacteria, and they have even entered outer space in spacecraft. Bacteria live in the deepest parts of the ocean and deep within Earth. They are in the soil, in our food, and on plants and animals. Even our bodies are home to many different kinds of bacteria. Our lives are closely intertwined with theirs, and the health
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Lizette Cervantes - undefined RESPIRATION > Altering Body Position -- PRE-LAB QUIZ. undefined The student viewed all of the video clips in the Wet Lab. 1. Oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange takes place between the blood and the air in the (human) lungs across the walls of: Your answer was: B. only the alveoli. That answer is correct. 2. At the alveoli, the diffusion of gases between the air and blood is facilitated by: Your answer was: D. all of the other options are true. That answer is
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Scientists have closed the case; human activity is causing the Earth to get hotter. How? Burning fossil fuels in one research that I found. When people extract and burn fossil fuels such as coal or petroleum, they cause the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other heat-trapping "greenhouse gases" into the atmosphere, as old and recent searches have found. Though natural amounts of CO2 have varied from 180 to 300 parts per million (ppm), today's CO2 levels are around 400 ppm. That's 40% more than
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understanding of the difference between C3 and C4 plants, to even remotely fool your plant lady guru. Firstly, the difference between C3 and C4 plants is that C3 plants form a pair of 3 carbon-atom molecules during CO2 assimilation while C4plants, which account for an abundance on higher regions of the mountain, form 4 carbon-atom molecules. By far the most important difference for rising CO2 levels is that C3 species continue to increase photosynthesis with rising CO2 while C4 does not. As you climb up
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Aerobic respiration creates 36 ATP for the cell through 3 processes. Glycolysis creates 2 ATP, krebs cycle creates 2 ATP, and the electron train creates 32 ATP. After these processes are done the mitochondria releases carbon dioxide, H2O, and ATP. Anaerobic respiration creates 2 ATP for the cell. Glycolysis creates 2 ATP, and fermentation doesn't create any ATP. After anaerobic respiration carbon dioxide ATP and alcohol is made, or ATP lactic acid. Glycolysis and fermentation happens in the cytoplasm
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as pasture for livestock, plantations of commodities and settlements. The removal of trees without sufficient reforestation has resulted in damage to habitat, biodiversity loss and aridity. It has adverse impacts on biosequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Deforestation has also been used in war to deprive the enemy of cover for its forces and also vital resources. Modern examples of this were the use of Agent Orange by the British military in Malaya during the Malayan Emergency and the United
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