The History Of Prisons

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    1984 Overview

    publications such as newspapers, magazine, or anything that the government originally published. This is the first area where Orwell is able to show the reader how the government is able to manipulate history. Winston makes a terrific point, “if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. “ and further goes on to state a government Party catch phrase ‘Who controls the past, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past” (Orwell 44). Winston starts

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    The Sentence

    personal damage since it deals with identity theft. Further, if the defendant had the intent to commit the crime and had knowledge of what he was doing at the time that the crime was being committed. Moreover, I would review the defendant’s criminal history to include whether he has been placed on probation or parole for the same or similar type of crime. Furthermore, I would review the evidence and testimony. Lastly, I would ask if the defendant received a just and fair trial as afforded to him under

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    Three Strikes Law

    The “Three Strike” Sentencing The “Three Strikes and You’re Out” law is a law that was passed by California voters in 1994. The Three Strikes law is sentencing laws that mandate a prison sentence of 25 years to life for violent offenders who have been convicted of three or more offenses. It is also a law that is systemized in 26 states throughout the country and the federal government. Violent offenses include murder, robbery of a residence in which a dangerous or deadly weapon is used, rape

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    Women Serve Long Time In Prison Sentencing Analysis

    send all the women to a program instead of serving time in prison. The author argues that woman should go to a program instead of going to prison. To avoid prison and go to a alternative program. “ New year state assembly passed the domestic violence judge could consider the role of domestic abuse in a case during sentencing and bypass mandatory minimum set by the state the could opt to give survivors shorter sentencing or let them avoid prison altogether by sentencing them to alternative program”.

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    How Did Malcolm X Change America

    transformed the history of America. Malcolm X was an exceptionally critical figure that contributed in influencing American social life. He was a famous figure who voiced the struggle, anger, and principles of African Americans. Malcolm X preached what he believed in about racism, discrimination, and segregation. His struggle for the fight for inequality went through many variations.  The three alterations that really changed the way Malcom believed and preached was during his transformation in prison, the

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    The Sureňos Trecè Gang

    The Sureňos Trecè Gang Global Crime and Criminal Justice Abstract Gang killings are results of drug wars have been refuted by the authorities since blotters report that these homicides are conflicts over territory, status and revenge. Gang wars are not only “inner city” problems but all over as well. Almost every city around the world claims to be gang capitals, like New York or London. Other major cities in the US have also been known to be havens for gang wars such as Houston and Chicago

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    Media History

    discuss issues that could obscure this outlook and also look at what the possibilities of the rise in alternative press of the 1980’s brought about, by using examples of the commencement of M-Net, the shutting down of the Rand Daily Mail and the history of black press. The South African press tried to be, “the principal voice of liberal moderation and a bridge between white and black” (Harber, 1999:2). It played an essential role in the liberation endeavor in South Africa although

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    Alternative Sentencing and Solutions Policies

    overcrowded conditions for most state and federal prisons. These grant programs provided the information and incentives for state governments to expand, build, and adapt closed military bases as extension of the federal penal prison system. This initiative encouraged local and state courts to implement truth-in-sentencing and alternative sentencing concepts to lessen the burden of overcrowded prison systems. The grants divided in half for building prisons to increase the bed space for violent offenders

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    Criminal Justice

    misbehavior of the said criminal offender in the hopes they will change their ways. According to Seiter (2011),”Jails are the watershed of the correctional system. The U.S. jail is the oldest of the correctional components, initiated well before prisons, probation, parole, or halfway houses.” ("Chapter 3: Jails") Jails have been involved in the correctional system for a long time. The original purpose of a jail was to lock away a criminal offender. Treatment in jails was poor and conditions ever

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    Penitentiary Ideal and Models of American Prisons

    American Prisons Name Institution * The penitentiary was a stepping stone in the evolution of the prison. The penitentiary, however, was the first attempt to use confinement as the punishment itself. In England, one of the first models for the modern prison was intended to provide a place of penance for prostitutes. No matter where most of us live in the world the modern day penitentiary has some philosophy and design history thanks

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